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Background radiation.

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Q: What is normal radiation in the environment called?
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What were the effects of radiation on the environment?

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Does radiation rise?

No, radiation does not rise. Radiation can travel in all directions from its source, with its behavior dependent on the type of radiation and the surrounding environment.

Why is a power plant bad for the environment?

Nuclear power plants are bad for the environment because of the unpreventable release of radioactive materials. What many people forget is that radiation is energy, not a material. A material that emits radiation is called radioactive material. Back to the point, radiation causes long-term effects and can pollute almost everything. Water is used to cool reactors and when it leaks into the environment, radiation poisoning is usually the effect. Radiation that comes from the power plant itself can poison surrounding plants, animals, and people. Effects from high radiation exposure (the sun emits radiation) are radiation poisoning, cancer, brain damage, birth defects, infertility, etc.

What happens when there are harmful substances in the environment?


The rapid formation of many new species as in this case is called?

Adaptive Radiation :)

What is infrared radiation also called?

Infrared radiation is also commonly called infrared light or IR radiation.

What is a radiation drop?

A radiation drop is a decrease in radiation levels, typically due to a decrease in the radioactive material emitting the radiation or due to shielding that blocks the radiation from reaching a certain area. It indicates a lessening of radiation exposure in the environment.

What does a Nuclear radiation device measure?

A nuclear radiation device measures the level of radiation present in a particular environment. It can detect and quantify different types of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation. These devices are essential for monitoring radiation levels in areas like nuclear power plants, medical facilities, and environmental sites.

What is a unit of absorbed radiation called?

A unit of absorbed radiation is called a gray (Gy).

Why is internal radiation therapy used?

The advantage of internal radiation therapy is that it concentrates the radiation near the cancer and lessens the chance of damage to normal cells

Which layer of skin protects the body from th external environment?

The outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis, protects the body from the external environment. It acts as a barrier against harmful substances, pathogens, and UV radiation.

What is radiation and how does sweat radiate from skin?

Radiation is energy emitted in the form of waves or particles. When sweat is produced by sweat glands in the skin, it evaporates and releases heat energy from the body through a process called radiation. The heat energy is transferred from the skin to the surrounding environment through the emission of infrared radiation.