

What is motion without friction?

Updated: 5/30/2024
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11y ago

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That's motion in a closed system.

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1mo ago

Motion without friction is when an object moves through a medium with no resistance caused by friction. In this scenario, the object would continue moving at a constant velocity without slowing down due to friction forces. Examples include objects in outer space or objects moving on a frictionless surface.

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Q: What is motion without friction?
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Does friction and motion occur at the same time?

Yes, Theres no way that there could be friction without the object moving

How does friction affect perpetual motion?

Friction acts as a resistance force that reduces the motion of an object, eventually causing it to come to a stop. In a perpetual motion machine, which is a hypothetical device that can operate indefinitely without an energy source, friction would gradually slow down the machine and prevent it from achieving perpetual motion. Essentially, friction prevents perpetual motion by converting the machine's kinetic energy into heat.

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Newton's First Law of Motion states: "An object in motion, remains in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force". Friction is an additional outside force that stops the motion of a vehicle faster. Without friction, the vehicle would never stop until it crashed into something.

What type of friction prevents motion?

All types of friction act opposite to the direction of motion but static friction is the friction present before motion occurs.

Which type of friction opposes the motion?

Kinetic friction opposes the motion of an object that is already in motion. It acts in the direction opposite to the object's motion, resulting in a resistance force.

Why there is no friction on space?

Friction is the force that resists motion between two surfaces in contact. In the vacuum of space, there are no surfaces or molecules to create this friction. Objects in space can move freely without friction because there is very little resistance to their motion.

Mechanical by friction or by motion of a conductor?

mechanical by friction or by motion of a conductor

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What does friction do to the motion of object?

Friction slows down the motion of objects.

What is friction and what effects does it have on motion?

Friction is the sum of resistance to motion and as for resistance, it slow down the motion.

How does the direction of friction compare to the direction of Motion?

Friction opposes the direction of motion; it acts in the opposite direction to the motion of an object.

What is the name of the force that resist motion?

Friction is the force that resists motion when two surfaces are in contact with each other. It opposes the relative motion or tendency of such motion between the surfaces.