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Light sensitive paper is a type of photographic paper that changes color when exposed to light. It contains light-sensitive chemicals that react to light by darkening in areas exposed to light, creating a visible image. This process is used in traditional darkroom Photography to create prints from film negatives.

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Q: What is light sensitive paper and how does it work?
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Why red light is used in developing photographs?

Red light is used in developing photographs because it has the least effect on light-sensitive photographic materials, such as film or photo paper. This allows photographers to work in a darkroom without exposing their materials to white light, which would ruin the photos being developed.

Why does photocell work during the day?

Photocells work during the day because they are light-sensitive sensors that detect changes in light levels. During the day, when sunlight is present, the photocell detects the increased light and triggers a response, such as turning off a light or activating a security system.

What is the name of the lightproof box on which images are recorded on a material sensitive to light?

The lightproof box on which images are recorded is called a camera. The material sensitive to light that records the images is typically a light-sensitive film or digital sensor.

How does a Xerox machine work?

A Xerox machine works by using a combination of light, electricity, and toner to create copies of documents. The original document is scanned using a light-sensitive drum, which creates an electrical charge in areas with ink. The charged areas attract toner, which is then transferred onto a piece of paper and fused using heat to create a copy of the original document.

Does yellow paper absorb red light?

No, yellow paper does not absorb red light. Yellow paper absorbs blue light and reflects yellow light, giving it its yellow appearance. Red light is not absorbed by yellow paper, so it is reflected or transmitted through the paper.

Related questions

What is emulsion paper made from?

Emulsion paper is typically made from a base paper coated with a layer of light-sensitive emulsion, which consists of gelatin and light-sensitive silver halide crystals. The emulsion layer allows the paper to capture and store photographic images when exposed to light.

What is a photographic print made by placing objects on light sensitive paper and exposing it to light?

A photogram

How do you make normal paper sensitive to light?

Coat it with a light sensitive emulsion. Don't plan on making your own photographic paper that you will subject to the normal development process. It won't survive the chemistry.

How do light sensitive plasters work?


Why do you rinse the sun-print paper after exposing it to sunlight?

It has light sensitive chemicals.

What do rayographs British algae cyanotype impressions and leaves on light sensitive paper have in common?


What is the purpose of Canon matte photo paper?

Canon matte photo paper is a paper used for photos. The photo paper is paper coated with a light-sensitive chemical formula. The purpose of this paper is to make higher quality pictures.

What and how do light sensitive polymers work?

They are used in hospitals as stitches because they will desolve in light and there is no need for them to be taken out.

Why does red light not affect film development?

Photographic film is by it's very definition sensitive to light. Different types of film is sensitive to different colour spectrum The first types of film had a very limited sensitivity to colours and only reacted to blue light. As technology progressed film was made sensitive to a wider spectrum of light.Orthochromatic film was (is) sensitive to colours from blue to green, thus not sensitive to red light hence not affected by a "red light" during development.This film type was, however, superseded by "Panchromatic" film that is sensitive to all light spectrum, including red light. This means that most (modern) film cannot be developed using a red darkroom light without permanently destroying the film.Copying images (to paper or plastic sheets) is a different matter as the light sensitive emulsion on copy-paper is notsensitive to red light which is why a red light can safely be used during copying and development of the copies.

Why red light is used in developing photographs?

Red light is used in developing photographs because it has the least effect on light-sensitive photographic materials, such as film or photo paper. This allows photographers to work in a darkroom without exposing their materials to white light, which would ruin the photos being developed.

Are worms sensitive to light?

Yes, they are sensitive to light.

What is safe light in a dark room?

Safelights are used when printing. They're made to produce only light of a color the paper being used isn't sensitive to.