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It's called a correct decision.

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When your hypothesis is correct, it is called a positive result or a successful outcome. This means that the data and evidence gathered during the experiment or study support your initial prediction or assumption.

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Q: What is it called when your hypothesis is correct?
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What is a proposed a scientific idea is called?

A proposed scientific idea is called a hypothesis. This is a tentative explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through observations and experiments. If the hypothesis is supported by evidence, it may become a theory in the scientific community.

What following statement is not part of testing a hypothesis?

Concluding that the hypothesis is correct based on personal beliefs or opinions is not part of testing a hypothesis. Testing a hypothesis involves designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results to determine if the hypothesis is supported or not.

Is a logical statement about what will happen in an experiment if the hypothesis is correct?

A prediction is a logical statement about what will happen in an experiment if the hypothesis is correct. It is based on the proposed relationship between variables and helps guide the design and interpretation of the experiment. By testing the prediction, researchers can assess whether the hypothesis is supported or not.

A statement that can be tested is called?

A statement that can be tested is called a hypothesis. It is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon or a prediction that can be examined through experimentation or observation to determine its validity.

What is the name for a test performed to find out if a hypothesis is supported?

A test performed to find out if a hypothesis is supported is called an experiment. This involves conducting controlled investigations to observe and measure outcomes to determine whether the hypothesis is valid.

Related questions

What is tested in an experiment?

A hypothesis is tested by an experiment. A hypothesis is an estimate or guess about an outcome. The experiment proves whether the hypothesis is correct or not correct.

Two reason why an experiment might not support a hypothesis even when the hypothesis is correct?

An experiment might not support a hypothesis even if the hypothesis is correct because if the conclusion

What is correct a hypothesis or an hypothesis?

A hypothesis is correct grammar here's why:A hypothesis is correct because 'h' is not a vowel. for example in the fragment: a cat, c is not a vowel so 'a' applies. If on the other hand it says 'an' animal, 'an' is correct because the a in animal is a vowel.

Why do you test a hypothesis?

to see if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.

How do you spell hypothosis?

The correct spelling is "hypothesis."

How do you spell hipothises?

The correct spelling is "hypothesis".

How do you spell hypothesis?

That is the correct spelling of the term "hypothesis" (a conjecture or theory).

What can you write when your hypothesis is correct?

You write that the data supported your hypothesis.

What is the correct order for the steps of scientific method?

The correct steps for the scientific method are: Observation Hypothesis Theory Scientific Law

Is your hypothesis correct?


To prove that your hypothesis is correct you must?

A scientific hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable in order for it to be valid.

How do you state that your hypothesis was correct?

just say "my hypothesis was correct because" and then state all the data that supports ur answer