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That is known as object highlighting or object selection. It is a common feature in user interfaces to help indicate to the user which object is currently being interacted with.

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Q: What is it called when you point to an object and it becomes higlighted?
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The object between a magnifying lens and its focal point will appear magnified and inverted. As you move the object closer to the focal point, the image also becomes larger and more distorted until it is ultimately lost at the focal point.

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When an object is seen moving in relation to a stationary object the stationary object is called the frame of reference or reference point?

Yes, the stationary object is called the frame of reference, or reference point, because it provides a fixed point that is used to describe the motion of the moving object. By observing how the moving object changes position in relation to the stationary object, we can analyze its motion.

When an object is seen moving in relation to a stationary object is called the frame of reference or reference point?

The stationary object is called the frame of reference, a point from which motion is observed. This helps us measure the movement of the other object by providing a fixed point of comparison. It is essential for describing motion accurately in physics.