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When it's difficult for electricity to flow through a component, it is called resistance. Resistance is measured in ohms and is influenced by factors like the material the component is made of and its physical dimensions.

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Q: What is it called when it's difficult for electricity to flow through a component?
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If it is difficult for electricity to flow through a component what is it called?

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What type of resistance - high or low - do conductors and insulators have?

Conductors have low resistance to the flow of electric current, allowing electricity to pass through easily. Insulators, on the other hand, have high resistance, making it difficult for electricity to flow through them.

What is the object called that uses electricity in a circuit to make something happen?

The object is called an "electric component" or simply a "load." When electricity flows through the component, it performs a specific function like lighting up a bulb or running a motor.

What is the component that allows current to pass through easily?

The component that allows current to pass through easily is called a conductor. Conductor materials have low resistance and allow electricity to flow through them with minimal hindrance. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What is the name of the component that turns and controls or limits the flow of electricity?

A device that controls or limits the flow of electricity is called a resistor.

What is the path which electricity travels called?

The path of electricity is called a circuit.

A circuit that has only one path for electricity to flow through?

A circuit with only one path for electricity to flow through is called a series circuit. In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end, so the current flows through each component in sequence. If one component fails, the entire circuit will be broken.

What is a circuit connected in a single path?

A circuit connected in a single path is called a series circuit. In a series circuit, the current flows through each component in sequence, providing only one path for the electricity to follow. If one component fails, the entire circuit is disrupted.

What is the scientific name of a substance that lets electricity flow through it?

A substance that lets electricity flow through it is called a conductor (or sometimes, to be more explicit, it is called an electrical conductor). Substances which do not permit the flow of electricity are called insulators.

What is called electricity flowing through wire?

Electricity flowing through a wire is called an electric current. This current is the movement of electric charge carriers, such as electrons, through the wire in a specific direction.

How does electricity flow through a conductor this is called?
