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It is called charging by conduction, where one object becomes charged by transferring electrons to or from another object when they are in close contact.

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Q: What is it calle when an object becomes charged by being in close contact with another object?
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How charging by contact occurs?

Charging by contact occurs when two objects come into contact with each other and electrons are transferred from one object to another. If one object loses electrons (becomes positively charged) and the other gains electrons (becomes negatively charged), they will be attracted to each other due to the imbalance of charges. This transfer of electrons results in one object becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged.

How does and uncharged object become charged?

An uncharged object can become charged by gaining or losing electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that can be transferred from one object to another through friction, contact, or induction. When an object gains or loses electrons, it becomes charged with a positive or negative charge, respectively.

What Charges an object by placing another charged object near it?

Induction is the process where an object becomes charged by placing another charged object near it. When a charged object is brought close to a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object redistribute, causing it to become charged.

What happens when electrons move from one object to another through direct contact?

When electrons move from one object to another through direct contact, the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged, while the object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged. This transfer of electrons results in an electrostatic force between the two objects, leading to attraction or repulsion depending on the charge of each object.

The transfer of charge when electrons move from a charged object to another object by direct contact is called what?

The transfer of charge when electrons move from a charged object to another object by direct contact is called conduction.

Related questions

What happens to an uncharged object when it comes in contact with a charged object.After the object that was charged lost electrons and the uncharged object gained electrons?

It becomes charged. (negatively)

How charging by contact occurs?

Charging by contact occurs when two objects come into contact with each other and electrons are transferred from one object to another. If one object loses electrons (becomes positively charged) and the other gains electrons (becomes negatively charged), they will be attracted to each other due to the imbalance of charges. This transfer of electrons results in one object becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged.

How does and uncharged object become charged?

An uncharged object can become charged by gaining or losing electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that can be transferred from one object to another through friction, contact, or induction. When an object gains or loses electrons, it becomes charged with a positive or negative charge, respectively.

What Charges an object by placing another charged object near it?

Induction is the process where an object becomes charged by placing another charged object near it. When a charged object is brought close to a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object redistribute, causing it to become charged.

What happens when electrons move from one object to another through direct contact?

When electrons move from one object to another through direct contact, the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged, while the object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged. This transfer of electrons results in an electrostatic force between the two objects, leading to attraction or repulsion depending on the charge of each object.

The transfer of charge when electrons move from a charged object to another object by direct contact is called what?

The transfer of charge when electrons move from a charged object to another object by direct contact is called conduction.

What causes an object to have an negative charge?

An object can obtain a negative charge by gaining excess electrons. When an object gains more electrons than protons, it becomes negatively charged. This can happen through processes such as friction, induction, or contact with another negatively charged object.

What process is used when electrons are transferred from one object to another to prodice static electricity?

The process is called electron transfer, where electrons move from one object to another due to friction or contact. When electrons are transferred, one object becomes negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged, resulting in static electricity build-up.

What does it mean if an object is charged by induction?

When an object is charged by induction, it means that the object becomes polarized or temporarily charged in response to the presence of a charged object nearby, without direct contact. This occurs because the charges in the object rearrange themselves in response to the nearby charged object, leading to an imbalance of charges.

How do objects become positively charged using the contact method?

When two objects make contact, electrons can transfer from one object to the other, leaving one object with an excess of electrons (negatively charged) and the other with a deficit of electrons (positively charged). If an object loses electrons during the contact process, it becomes positively charged.

What are some ways in which an object can become charged?

Some ways in which an object can become charged are friction, contact and induction.

What is an example of negatively charged object on neutral object?

An example of a negatively charged object in contact with a neutral object would be rubbing a balloon on a sweater. The balloon becomes negatively charged and can attract the neutral object (sweater) due to the presence of opposite charges.