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Steam has higher kinetic energy than ice because steam molecules have more thermal energy and move more quickly due to the higher temperature.

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Q: What is higher kinetic energy ice or steam?
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Which has the higher kinetic energy ice or steam and why?

Steam has higher kinetic energy than ice because the particles in steam have higher average velocities than those in ice. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of particles also increases, leading to faster movement of particles in the gaseous state compared to the solid state.

Does a liquid has a low or high kinetic energy?

A liquid typically has a moderate kinetic energy compared to solids and gases. The molecules in a liquid have more freedom of movement compared to a solid but less than a gas, leading to moderate kinetic energy.

What statement is true as you move from ice to water to steam?

As you move from ice to water to steam, the temperature of the substance increases while the state of matter changes from solid to liquid to gas.

When Thinking about putting a glass of water on the counter in the freezer and on a hot stove how dose the temperature of the water affect its kinetic energy and physical state?

The temperature of the water affects its kinetic energy. At higher temperatures, the water molecules have more kinetic energy, resulting in increased movement and thermal energy. When placed in the freezer, the kinetic energy decreases, causing the water molecules to slow down and form a solid state (ice). On the hot stove, the increased kinetic energy causes the water to evaporate and turn into steam (vapor) as it reaches its boiling point.

What is a melting ice cube's kinetic energy?

A melting ice cube's kinetic energy comes from the movement of the water molecules as they transition from a solid to a liquid state. This energy is relatively low due to the slow and gradual process of melting.

Related questions

Which has the higher kinetic energy ice or steam and why?

Steam has higher kinetic energy than ice because the particles in steam have higher average velocities than those in ice. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of particles also increases, leading to faster movement of particles in the gaseous state compared to the solid state.

Which has more kinetic energy the molecules in a gram of ice or a gram of steam?

The molecules in a gram of steam have more kinetic energy than the molecules in a gram of ice. This is because steam has a higher temperature and its molecules are moving faster compared to the slower-moving molecules in ice.

Does a liquid has a low or high kinetic energy?

A liquid typically has a moderate kinetic energy compared to solids and gases. The molecules in a liquid have more freedom of movement compared to a solid but less than a gas, leading to moderate kinetic energy.

Is the average kinetic energy of particle in a block of ice at 0 degrees the same as or different from the average kinetic energy of the particle in a gas-filles container at 0 degrees Celsius?

The average kinetic energy of particles in a gas-filled container at 0 degrees Celsius is higher than in a block of ice at the same temperature. This is because the particles in a gas have more freedom of movement and therefore higher kinetic energy compared to the more restricted motion of particles in a solid like ice.

What statement is true as you move from ice to water to steam?

As you move from ice to water to steam, the temperature of the substance increases while the state of matter changes from solid to liquid to gas.

What is ordered from the least thermal energy to the most A ice to steam to water B water to ice to steam C ice to water to steam D steam to water to ice?

Ice to water to steam.

The kinetic energy of the particles in the liquid state is more than in the solid state comment?

In the liquid state, particles have more freedom to move and collide with each other, which leads to higher kinetic energy compared to the solid state where particles are closely packed and have limited movement. This higher kinetic energy in the liquid state contributes to the fluidity and ability of particles to flow.

What kind of energy does a hockey puck sliding across the ice have?

kinetic energy

What is the energy is stored by ice and water?

kinetic energy

When Thinking about putting a glass of water on the counter in the freezer and on a hot stove how dose the temperature of the water affect its kinetic energy and physical state?

The temperature of the water affects its kinetic energy. At higher temperatures, the water molecules have more kinetic energy, resulting in increased movement and thermal energy. When placed in the freezer, the kinetic energy decreases, causing the water molecules to slow down and form a solid state (ice). On the hot stove, the increased kinetic energy causes the water to evaporate and turn into steam (vapor) as it reaches its boiling point.

What is a melting ice cube's kinetic energy?

A melting ice cube's kinetic energy comes from the movement of the water molecules as they transition from a solid to a liquid state. This energy is relatively low due to the slow and gradual process of melting.

What is the internal energy of ice?

The internal energy of ice is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of its molecules. It is primarily in the form of potential energy due to the arrangement of molecules in a rigid lattice structure. The internal energy of ice increases as it absorbs heat and transitions to a higher energy state, such as melting into water.