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Fusion power is a type of power generation that releases energy by fusing atomic nuclei of lighter elements. It is intrinsically safe, produces minimal waste, and has virtually limitless fuel sources. However, it is technically challenging to achieve and commercialize due to the extreme conditions required for successful fusion reactions.

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Will fusion power ever work?

There is ongoing research and development in the field of fusion power, aiming to make it a viable source of clean energy. Progress is being made, but significant technical challenges still need to be overcome before fusion power can be commercially viable on a large scale. With continued investment and technological advancements, fusion power could become a reality in the future.

Explain why in spite of these advantages fusion is not normally used for the generation of power?

Fusion power is not yet practical for large-scale power generation due to challenges in creating and sustaining the extreme conditions needed for fusion to occur, such as high temperatures and pressures. Additionally, current fusion reactors are still in the research and development phase, with commercial-scale reactors not yet operational. There are also significant technical and cost challenges that need to be overcome before fusion power can be a viable energy source.

What is the average output MW of a fusion reactor?

Currently, fusion reactors are still in the experimental stage and do not produce electricity for the grid. The output power of experimental fusion reactors ranges from a few megawatts to tens of megawatts, depending on the design and scale of the reactor. Commercial fusion reactors, when developed, are expected to generate hundreds of megawatts to gigawatts of power.

How can plasma be used as power?

Plasma can be used as a power source through controlled nuclear fusion reactions, where the high energy of plasma particles generate heat that can be converted into electricity. By confining and heating plasma to extreme temperatures and pressures, like in a tokamak device, fusion reactions occur, releasing energy that can be harnessed for power generation. However, efficient and sustainable plasma-based fusion power plants are still under development.

What is used in power plants Fission or Fusion?

Fission is commonly used in power plants as the process of splitting atoms generates heat to produce electricity. Fusion, which involves merging atoms to release energy, is not yet commercially viable for power generation due to the challenges in controlling and sustaining the reaction.

Related questions

What type of power does nuclear fission have?

Fusion power is the power generated by the nuclear fusion processes. Fusion power is a primary area of researc in plasma physics. For example, the sun is a natural fusion reactor.

What characteristics do jazz fusion have- Musical and other?

my butt

What are 3 characteristics of nuclear fusion?

High energy output: Nuclear fusion releases large amounts of energy compared to other power sources. Minimal waste: Fusion reactions produce very little radioactive waste compared to nuclear fission reactions. Fuel availability: Fusion fuel sources such as deuterium and lithium are abundant in nature, making fusion a potentially sustainable energy source.

Does nuclear power plants uses nuclear fusion?

No, they rely on fission. Controlled fusion is the holy grail of nuclear power.

What is sun power?

Nuclear fusion

Separation of power vs fusion of power..which is better and why?

Separation of power is better; although fusion of power probably runs more smoothly. When power is separated it is much harder for one branch to get too powerful.

How do you level up a lot in fusion fall?

With a Fusion Matter nano. Before you fully complete a mission bring out your nano with a Fusion Matter Power and you will recive extra fusion matter. Also if you need to kill foes during the mission bring out your nano with the Fusion Matter Power. Hope this helps.

What is the current practical application of fusion?

The current practical application of fusion is still in the research and development stage. Scientists are working to harness the energy produced by nuclear fusion to create a sustainable and abundant source of power. While fusion reactors exist, they are not yet operational on a large scale for power generation.

How does China use fusion energy?

No country has yet succeeded in using fusion power, except for weapons

Why us fusion not used to generate electrical power?

Today nuclear fusion is not controlled at industry scale.

Does fusion powers many of your nuclear power plants?

Nuclear fusion is used only in experimental installations.

Why can't they use the nuclear fusion rocket technology in for power production?

Nuclear fusion rocket technology is too expensive to use as a means for power production.