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Black absorbs heat and light because of its dark color. Light doesn't reflect off of it.

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9mo ago

Black absorbs heat and retains it well, making it good for keeping warmth in. Items like black clothing, paint, or materials are often used for insulation purposes because of this property.

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What color keeps heat away black or white?

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Are polar bears black under their fur?

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they have black skin which absorbs the little of the sun's heat and it keeps them warm. I hope this was what you were asking.

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Black absorbs heat, and white reflects it. By heat, this is predominantly heat generated by light, such as sunlight or a lamp. Black is essentially the absence of light, so it absorbs the lights energy and converts it to heat. White is a complete reflection of the light being cast upon it, so more light is reflected off and it stays cooler.

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insulator is a object that is not a good conductorSo it keeps the heat in.

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It is not the fur that insulates the polar bear. The polar bear's skin is black, so it absorbs heat and keeps heat inside the body. The white fur is merely for camouflage.

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