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Blackbody raditaition is a form of electromagnetic energy that is created from a blackbody (something that reflects or absorbs all incident energy). If a blackbody is in thermodynamic equilibrium (constant non-changing temp. 0 net force) it will radiate blackbody radiation which changes with temperature. Higher temp. calls for shorter wavelengths and higher intensity. The hue is generally infared and cant be seen. some times you can see a faint red or orange glow. glad to answer.

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2mo ago

A blackbody radiator is an idealized physical object that absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of wavelength, and emits radiation at all wavelengths in a characteristic manner determined by its temperature. It is used to model and explain the emission of thermal radiation by objects.

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11y ago

This is the name given to the spectrum of radiation given off by heated objects. In the 1800s, scientists noted that the spectrum from a heated object depends almost entirely on the temperature of the object, and not on its composition. They thus concluded that the cause of this radiation was not a chemical reaction, but due to a more fundamental facet of matter itself. It turns out they were correct, and the search for this resulted in the start of quantum theory.

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13y ago

Blackbody radiation extends over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Its intensity

is greater at some wavelengths and smaller at others. The unique shape of the graph

of intensity vs wavelength is what gives it the name "blackbody", and the wavelength

at which the peak intensity occurs depends on the temperature of the blackbody.

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12y ago

Black body radiation (BBR) is a term developed in the 1800s during the study of that type of light. It was found that all glowing objects, no matter what the material, had a spectrum of light that depended solely on the temperature of the object. It was thus thought that this light had its origin in a fundamental nature of matter. While trying to explain this light emission, it was found it could be PARTIALLY explained by assuming that glowing objects were like perfect absorbers of all types of light -- ie, completely black; ie, black bodies. Thus the terminology "black body radiation."

In 1900, Max Planck found that he could FULLY explain the spectrum if he assumed that light came in chunks he called "quanta." He originally thought this was just a mathematical oddity, but scientists eventually concluded this was, in fact, a description of reality. This was the start of quantum mechanics.

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12y ago

So, a black body is an object that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation and is at some temperature, T. I think your question is, what is the source of the black body radiation? I will try to put it in layman's terms.

So, an object is made up of some material, correct? This material object is composed of atoms (as is all of matter). Atoms are made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons. The material can be made up of ions (charged particles) if some of the atoms are missing (or have an excess) of an electron/s.

Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up the material. The black body is at some temperature, T, so these charged particles (ions, electrons...) must have non-zero kinetic energy. This means that these charged particles are moving (they are thermally agitated). Imagine that the electrons and ions in the material that makes up the black body are vibrating. BUT, moving charges emit electromagnetic radiation. This is the source of the black body radiation.

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10y ago

A blackbody radiator, also known as a cavity radiator, is an object or system which absorbs all radiation. It then re-radiates the energy which is characteristic of the radiating system.

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What is true of a blackbody?

A blackbody is an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation incident on it and re-emits it. It emits radiation in a continuous spectrum that depends only on its temperature. A blackbody also serves as a useful standard for understanding and comparing the emission of real objects.

How does the color indicate the temperature of a star?

The color of a star indicates its temperature based on the peak of its blackbody radiation curve. Hotter stars appear blue or white because they emit more energy in shorter wavelengths, while cooler stars appear red because they emit more energy in longer wavelengths. The relationship between a star's color and temperature is known as Wien's law.

Are star blackbodies?

A blackbody is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. Stars, such as our Sun, are not perfect blackbodies as they do not absorb and emit radiation at all wavelengths equally. However, they are often modeled as blackbodies to approximate their thermal emission.

What is the relationship between star color and star temperature?

Stars appear to be exclusively white at first glance. But if we look carefully, we can notice a range of colors: blue, white, red, and even gold. In the winter constellation of Orion, a beautiful contrast is seen between the red Betelgeuse at Orion's "armpit" and the blue Bellatrix at the shoulder. What causes stars to exhibit different colors remained a mystery until two centuries ago, when Physicists gained enough understanding of the nature of light and the properties of matter at immensely high temperatures. Specifically, it was the physics of blackbody radiation that enabled us to understand the variation of stellar colors. Shortly after blackbody radiation was understood, it was noticed that the spectra of stars look extremely similar to blackbody radiation curves of various temperatures, ranging from a few thousand Kelvin to ~50,000 Kelvin. The obvious conclusion is that stars are similar to blackbodies, and that the color variation of stars is a direct consequence of their surface temperatures. Cool stars (i.e., Spectral Type K and M) radiate most of their energy in the red and infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum and thus appear red, while hot stars (i.e., Spectral Type O and B) emit mostly at blue and ultra-violet wavelengths, making them appear blue or white. To estimate the surface temperature of a star, we can use the known relationship between the temperature of a blackbody, and the wavelength of light where its spectrum peaks. That is, as you increase the temperature of a blackbody, the peak of its spectrum moves to shorter (bluer) wavelengths of light. This is illustrated in Figure 1 where the intensity of three hypothetical stars is plotted against wavelength. The "rainbow" indicates the range of wavelengths that are visible to the human eye.

Is moon a black body?

The sun is a very close approximation of an ideal blackbody (it's been called a "real" blackbody), since its actual solar radiation/emission curve is very similar to that of an ideal blackbody emission curve. Ie, with fluctuation, it very nearly absorbs and emits all radiative energy received.

Related questions

Which option is the best blackbody radiator?

The best blackbody radiator would ideally have a high emissivity (close to 1) across a wide range of wavelengths to emit radiation efficiently. Materials like graphite, soot, or black paint can closely approximate ideal blackbody behavior, making them good choices for blackbody radiators in practice.

What happens to a blackbody radiator as it increases in temperature?

It gives off a range of electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelengths.

What best models the changes in energy of a blackbody radiator?

The Planck's law best models the changes in energy of a blackbody radiator, which describes the spectral radiance of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature. This law provides a precise formula for the distribution of energy with respect to wavelength.

What term is used to describe a perfect radiator and absorber of electromagnetic radiation?

A material that perfectly absorbs and emits electromagnetic radiation is known as a "blackbody." It absorbs all incident light and emits the maximum amount of thermal radiation at a given temperature.

Who discovered blackbody radiation?

Blackbody radiation was discovered by Max Planck in 1900. Planck proposed a theory that described the spectral distribution of energy emitted by a blackbody at different temperatures, leading to the development of quantum mechanics.

What did planck assume in order to explain the experimental data for blackbody radiation?

Max Planck assumed that the energy emitted by oscillators in a blackbody is quantized, meaning it can only take on discrete values, in order to explain the experimental data for blackbody radiation. This assumption led to the development of the famous Planck's law, which accurately described the spectrum of radiation emitted by a blackbody.

How does the luminosity of a blackbody vary with its surface temperature?

The luminosity of a blackbody increases with its surface temperature raised to the fourth power, as described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This means that as the temperature of a blackbody increases, its luminosity will increase significantly.

What has the author R J De Young written?

R. J. De Young has written: 'Scaling blackbody laser to high powers' -- subject(s): Lasers, Blackbody radiation 'Lasant materials for blackbody pumped-lasers' -- subject(s): Solar-pumped lasers, Lasers in astronautics, Energy conversion, Laser pumping, Blackbody radiation, Laser cavities, Laser propulsion, Black body radiation 'A blackbody-pumped CO-N' -- subject(s): Lasers

How the total energy radiated by a blackbody depend on temperature?

The total energy radiated by a blackbody is directly proportional to the fourth power of its temperature, as described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This means that as the temperature of the blackbody increases, the amount of energy it radiates also increases rapidly.

What does Stefan's law tell us about radiation emitted by a blackbody?

Stefan's law states that the total amount of radiation emitted by a blackbody is directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. This means that as the temperature of a blackbody increases, the amount of radiation it emits also increases significantly.

The blackbody curve depends on what single property?


What is the glow of a hot object?

It's Blackbody Radiation