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Basically, If you and a friend of the same strength of you played tug of war, or did sumo Wrestling, and nobody is moving or winning, but in the same spot still pulling or pushing,, that would be balanced forces.

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3mo ago

The balance of forces refers to a situation in physics where the forces acting on an object are equal in size and opposite in direction, resulting in no net force and therefore no acceleration of the object. This equilibrium state occurs when the forces are balanced and cancel each other out.

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What is a vector balance?

A vector balance is a device used to measure forces in multiple directions simultaneously. It can measure both the magnitude and direction of forces acting on an object, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the forces at play. This is particularly useful in physics and engineering applications where understanding the balance of forces is crucial.

What forces are working within a gymnastic balance board?

In a gymnastic balance board, the forces at play are primarily tension, compression, and shear forces. Tension forces act to stretch the board, compression forces compress it, and shear forces cause the top and bottom surfaces of the board to slide against each other. By maintaining balance on the board, gymnasts also use gravitational forces to counteract these forces.

Why don't two forces balance each other?

Two forces may not balance each other if they are acting in different directions or have different magnitudes. When forces are not equal and opposite, they result in acceleration or movement of the object in the direction of the greater force.

When the two ends of a spring baklance are pulled by two equal forces what is the force indicted on the spring balance?

The force indicated on the spring balance will be equal to the sum of the two equal forces applied on both ends of the spring balance. This is because the spring balance measures the total force acting on it, regardless of the number of individual forces.

When forces do not balance the object will be?

When forces do not balance, the object will experience acceleration or changes in motion. If the net force is not zero, the object will accelerate in the direction of the higher force.

Related questions

Why don't some forces balance each other?

That's because forces will ONLY balance under very specific circumstances.

What is a vector balance?

A vector balance is a device used to measure forces in multiple directions simultaneously. It can measure both the magnitude and direction of forces acting on an object, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the forces at play. This is particularly useful in physics and engineering applications where understanding the balance of forces is crucial.

What forces are working within a gymnastic balance board?

In a gymnastic balance board, the forces at play are primarily tension, compression, and shear forces. Tension forces act to stretch the board, compression forces compress it, and shear forces cause the top and bottom surfaces of the board to slide against each other. By maintaining balance on the board, gymnasts also use gravitational forces to counteract these forces.

Is balancing a force?

I THINK balance is a forceNew author. It should be, because balance is two forces pushing each side of a plane which the forces are same

Why don't two forces balance each other?

Two forces may not balance each other if they are acting in different directions or have different magnitudes. When forces are not equal and opposite, they result in acceleration or movement of the object in the direction of the greater force.

What are the conditions when two forces balance?

When two forces are balanced, their vector sum is zero.

When the two ends of a spring baklance are pulled by two equal forces what is the force indicted on the spring balance?

The force indicated on the spring balance will be equal to the sum of the two equal forces applied on both ends of the spring balance. This is because the spring balance measures the total force acting on it, regardless of the number of individual forces.

Is the balance that exist do to the action of apposing forces?


When forces do not balance the object will be?

When forces do not balance, the object will experience acceleration or changes in motion. If the net force is not zero, the object will accelerate in the direction of the higher force.

When opposing processes or forces are in balance it can be said that they have reached a state of?

equilibrium. It is a point where there is a stable balance between the opposing forces, resulting in no overall change in the system.

Acceleration is caused by any forces?

Roughly speaking, acceleration is caused by destroying the balance of forces on an object.

When an airplane is flying straight and level what can be said about the forces on an airplane?

the forces are equal to balance the aircraft in flight