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An electromagnet is made by passing an electric current through a coil of wire, which produces a magnetic field. The strength of the magnetic field can be controlled by adjusting the amount of current flowing through the wire. In contrast, a magnet is a material that produces a magnetic field naturally without the need for an electric current.

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Q: What is an electromagnet different from a magnet?
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What is an advantage of using an electromagnet rather than a regular magnet?

One advantage of using an electromagnet over a regular magnet is its controllability. The strength of an electromagnet can be adjusted by varying the amount of current flowing through it, providing flexibility for different applications. Additionally, electromagnets can be turned on and off easily by controlling the flow of electricity.

Is electromagnet a permanent magnet?

No, an electromagnet is not a permanent magnet. It is a magnet that produces a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it, and the magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off.

How is an electromagnet different from a refrigerator magnet?

An electromagnet is a temporary magnet created by passing an electric current through a coil of wire, while a refrigerator magnet is a permanent magnet that can hold items to a refrigerator or other magnetic surface without needing an electric current. Electromagnets can be turned on and off by controlling the electric current, while refrigerator magnets retain their magnetism without the need for an external power source.

How is a electromagnet diffrent then a permanent magnet?

An electromagnet is a temporary magnet that only produces a magnetic field when an electric current is flowing through it, while a permanent magnet retains its magnetism without needing an external electric current. Additionally, the strength of an electromagnet can be easily adjusted by changing the amount of current flowing through it, while the strength of a permanent magnet is fixed.

Would an electromagnet be attracted to a magnet?

Yes, an electromagnet can be attracted to a permanent magnet. When a current flows through the electromagnet, it generates a magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet, causing the two to be either attracted or repelled from each other.

Related questions

How is an electromagnet different a bar magnet?

a electromagnet is bigger than a bar magnet

How is a permanentmagnet different from a electromagnet?

a permanent magnet is always magnetic as an electromagnet is only magnetic when it is wound around with wire and energised

Which is better a permanent magnet or an electromagnet?


What are different words that involve magnets?

Electromagnet Superconducting magnet Ferromagnetic Magnetic needle Magnetic compass magnetic field. Hydro magnet Gyro magnet

Is a permanent magnet called a hard magnet or a electromagnet?

Perminant magnet

Is the worlds biggest magnet a magnet or electromagnet?

the world is

What is a magnet made by electric current?

An electromagnet.

Why will an electromagnet be able to pick up more steel cans than a permanent magnet?

An electromagnet is a stronger magnet.

Which type of magnet is created from an electromagnet?

A temporary magnet is created from an electromagnet. When an electric current flows through a coil of wire, it generates a magnetic field, creating the temporary magnet effect.

Is a refrigerator magnet electromagnetic?

IT is different because an electromagnet runs with electricity. A refrigiator does not run with electricity.

How is electromagnet different from a regular bar or horseshoe magnet?

It requires a current through a coil of wires.

An advantage of an electromagnet (in contrast to a bar magnet) is?

An electromagnet can be turned on and off.