The emitter bias circuit is called self-bias because the bias voltage across the emitter-resistor is based on the transistor's own characteristics. The bias voltage adjusts itself based on the varying collector current to stabilize the operating point of the transistor. It is a self-adjusting mechanism that helps maintain a stable bias point for the transistor.
A double-blind procedure is designed to minimize the effect of an observer on the behavior being observed. In a double-blind study, neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of who is receiving the treatment, helping to reduce bias in the results.
As temperature increases, the reverse bias voltage of an LED also increases. This is due to the temperature-dependent nature of the semiconductor material used in the LED, which affects the bandgap energy and subsequently the reverse bias characteristics. It is important to consider and compensate for these temperature effects when designing LED circuits for reliable performance.
When someone wants the results of an experiment to come out a certain way, it is called experimenter bias or confirmation bias. This can lead to skewed results and undermine the validity of the experiment.
Bias instability in sensors can be caused by temperature changes, mechanical stress, aging of components, and external magnetic fields. These factors can impact the sensor's internal structure, affecting its ability to maintain a stable bias output over time. Calibrating the sensor periodically can help compensate for bias instability.
we do bias field effect transistor because FET works if its Q point lies into active reason .If we bias FET ,the Q point lies in active reason
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Sunburst pleats are a knife pleat cut on the bias to create a flaring out effect.
Interviewer Biases :# •Stereotyping# •Inconsistency in questioning# •First impression error# •Negative emphasis# •Halo/horn effect# •Nonverbal bias# •Contrast effect# •Similar-to-me error
The alternation effect is a cognitive bias where individuals tend to prefer alternatives when making choices instead of choosing the same option repeatedly. This bias can influence decision-making in various contexts, like selecting between similar products or options.
It provide sufficient biasing to the transistor. ANSWER: It purpose is to provide bias and limiting gain.
It is a decision bias influenced by the way in which a problem or decision alternative is phrased or presented. (GeBacalla)
The perseverance effect refers to the tendency for beliefs to persist even after evidence discrediting them is presented. This can occur due to cognitive biases such as the confirmation bias, where people seek out or interpret information in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs. In the context of the perseverance effect, the confirmation bias can reinforce and perpetuate false beliefs, leading individuals to ignore contradictory evidence.
people tell interviewers what they think the interviewer wants to hear.
When we apply reverse bias voltage to input and output sides of a BJT, then the width of the depletion layer at emitter-base and base-collection got increased. Due to which the effective base width got decreased. This phenomenon of reduction in the base width is called Early effect. And if we go on increasing the Reverse bias voltage then at a time instant the width of the base becomes zero and this effect is called punch through effect and that reverse bias voltage is called punch through voltage.
It is called self-enhancement bias or self-serving bias, where individuals have a tendency to perceive themselves in a more positive light than others perceive them.