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An artificial source of gamma rays can be generated through processes like radioactive decay of isotopes such as cobalt-60 or cesium-137, or through high-energy particle interactions in machines like linear accelerators used in medical imaging and cancer treatment. These sources are carefully controlled and shielded to minimize exposure to humans.

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Q: What is an artificial source of gamma rays?
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When food is irradiated with gamma rays from a cobalt-60 source does the food become radioactive?

No. Gamma rays will not make materials radioactive.

What kind of gamma ray can penetrate solids?

Gamma rays are gamma rays are gamma rays.

Does the intensity of Xrays and gamma rays differ?

Yes, the intensity of X-rays and gamma rays can differ. Gamma rays typically have higher frequencies and energies than X-rays, so they can be more penetrating and have a higher intensity. However, the actual intensity of these radiation types depends on factors such as the source strength and distance from the source.

What are the electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequency called?

Gamma Rays

Do Gamma rays have more energy than light rays?

Theoretically, gamma rays are distinguished by their source, not by the amount of energy each photon carries, so it's not really possible to answer.In practice, most gamma rays have far more energy per photon than visible light.

Are there problems with gamma rays?

no gamma rays are the best

What is x rays and gamma rays?

Cathode rays generate x-rays and gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have very high penetration power.

Which has a higher frequency gamma rays or xrays?

Gamma rays have a higher frequency than X-rays. Gamma rays are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas X-rays have a lower frequency than gamma rays.

What are gamma rays crest?

gamma rays are Vincent is weird

What has bigger wave lengths microwaves or gamma rays?

Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths compared to microwaves. This means that microwaves have longer wavelengths than gamma rays.

Are gamma rays neutrons?

No, gamma rays are not neutrons. They are electromagnetic rays or electromagnetic energy.

What are the sources of X rays and gamma rays?

X rays and gamma rays are both in the electromagnetic spectrum, gamma rays can come from nuclear bombs (which can pass through metals and concrete). X rays are used in many places, in the hospital, the air port, and many more, I don't really know what their source is I'll have to check in my science encyclopedia.