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An antiquark is an antiparticle of a quark.

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4mo ago

An antiquark is a subatomic particle that is the antiparticle of a quark. When a quark and an antiquark come together, they can combine to form mesons or baryons, which are composite particles such as protons and neutrons. Antiquarks have the same mass as quarks but opposite electric charge and other quantum numbers.

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What is a bottom antiquark?

A bottom antiquark is the antiparticle of the bottom quark.

Particle in a meson?

A quark and its antiquark.

What is an antibottom?

An antibottom is another name for the bottom antiquark.

What is an antistrange?

An antistrange is an antiquark corresponding to the strange quark.

How many quarks are in a meson?

A meson is comprised of one quark and one antiquark. Another way to comment on the composition of the meson might be that it contains a quark-antiquark pair. A link can be found below for more information.

What is an antitop?

An antitop is a top antiquark - an antiparticle of the top quark.

What is an anti-down quark?

An anti-down quark is the antimatter counterpart of a down quark, one of the elementary particles that make up protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus. It has opposite electric charge to a down quark and can combine with other quarks to form antimatter particles.

What are pions?

Pion is another name for "pi meson". They're mesons composed of an up or down quark and an up or down antiquark. "Mixed" mesons (one up, one down) are charged;the form where both the quark and antiquark are up or down are neutral.

Particle made of a quark and an antiquark that is thought to bind protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus of an atom?

It is called MESON.

What are the components of a meson?

Mesons are composed of a quark and an antiquark bound together by the strong nuclear force. They have a spin of either 0 or 1 and are classified as bosons. Mesons are unstable particles that decay into other particles via the weak interaction.

If mesons are made up of one color of a quark and its anticolor then what if the other quark is the anticolor of a different color?

If a meson were made up of a quark and an antiquark with different colors but the antiquark's color was not the anticolor of the quark, then the meson would not be color-neutral overall. This configuration would violate the requirement for color neutrality in hadrons as defined by quantum chromodynamics.

What happens when an up antiquark meets a proton?

Nothing, because quarks cannot be found outside of a hadron, therefore nothing will happen because it is impossible.