

What is an actionary?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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9y ago

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An actionary is a shareholder in a joint-stock company.

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An actionary is a person who tends to take action or implement solutions in response to a situation or problem. They are proactive and ready to tackle challenges rather than waiting for others to act.

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=== === Quantum Energy is an Ontological study for the subtlety of an imponderable but an exquisite World of The Infinite' Finites as the Atomic Entities, being substantial and elementary products of Quantum Soup & Chaos i.e. a meta-subjective Extants [generally addressed as S'particles]. All these Extants offer to be a host of an interminable inter'activity amongst themselves to orient and ordinate an Orderliness as a Cause to ensue into a Effect, with a further cyclicism of prolific happenings to land itself unto All of Creation. Work-in-progress at sub-quantum depths determines an arcane conferments for one to gain learning and attain knowledge as to how... "The Energy exists in a discreet and exquiste units of the Vibration being the genesis for / by / of the imponderable In-formations which is extrapolated as TITHONS. It is an imponderable phenomena beyond all that we know by a scientific awareness named as Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Chromodynamics. TITHONS are the Para'Beings formating All of Creation, being they the building constituents for the building blocks i.e. Quarks & Gluons, creating their Permutation & Combination as an In-Forms to ensue into and unto all of allied and varied Atoms" These TITHONS in their version of being Potential HOST as a Power, as a Role'Physics for any action of proactivity at a Sub-Quantum Beingness of an Extant, is what called as COSMIC EFFICACY. ...An Element of CAUSE. In parity to same, these TITHONS in their version of being a HOST of Valency as a Role'Chemistry of/for/by an interminable inter'activity amongst the Quantum Soup & Chaos, is what called as COSMIC TITHONICITY. ...An Element as an EFFECT. One does gather to incultate a productive mean & imbibe a measure to understand the Science behind and beyond as to... "How the Positrons are at work-in-progres being the genesis of the High Energy Photonic Discharge -and/or- the Photons at work-in-progress being the genesis of a electron-positron annihilation as Positronic Discharges" ...all-in-all a cyclic principle that rules the axiomatic design behind the Orderliness of Cosmicism ; Theory of Cuase & Effect Continuum, which in a refined version of applied understanding is been extrapolated and exalted as "Cosmic Efficacy & Tithonicity" Further, in compendium it can be said in common parlance yet in scientific genre... Quantum Physics & Energy is the Know'Process for the World in plenitudinal myriads of Sub-Quantum orientations and orderliness, that are the hosts of a sempiternal process of actionary, reactionary and inter-actionary activities, playing a great and grand, subtle & exquisite COSMIC Phenomena of "Quantum Soup [attraction] & Chaos [excitations]" amongst the entities like Quarks : Gluons : Positrons : Photons : Electrons : etc... all being the progenies of TITHONS. * CHARANJEET SINGH { gnosiologsit : exegete : astral scientist }

Define Tithonicity with Quantum Energy?

Tithonicity refers to the quality of being associated with the Titan gods in Greek mythology, known for their immense power and strength. When combined with quantum energy, this concept implies a fusion of ancient mythical might with the modern scientific understanding of energy at the quantum level.

What are TITHONS?

Tithons are a fictional species of beings featured in some works of science fiction or fantasy literature. They are often portrayed as powerful creatures with supernatural abilities or advanced technology.

What is Cosmic Efficacy and Tithonicity?

Cosmic efficacy refers to the belief in the effectiveness and power of the cosmos or universe in influencing human affairs. Tithonicity is the state of reverence or worship toward the rising sun, stemming from the Greek mythology of Tithonus, the lover of the dawn goddess Eos.