Albert Einstein was a brilliant physicist known for developing the theory of relativity. He was known for his creativity, curiosity, and revolutionary thinking that transformed our understanding of the universe. Einstein's work has had a lasting impact on science and his name has become synonymous with genius.
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, which is one of the two pillars of modern physics. He is best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc^2 and his contributions to the development of quantum mechanics. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
Fat Albert. his real name is Albert Michael read.
Albert Einstein's first son was named Hans Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstin was born on March 14, 1879
Not when he became famous.
If you mean Albert Einstin, no, he is no longer living.
he died of heart failure
Yus. :3
Albert Einstein was born 14mar1879 in Ulm, Germany.
a weirdo
Yes, but someone else created the refrigerator Albert Einstein improved it with help from Leo Szilard.
He couldn't tie his own shoes
albert einstin