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A pendulum is a weight that is hung from a fixed point and swings back and forth. It exhibits harmonic motion and is often used in timekeeping devices like clocks.

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Q: What is a weight hung from a fixed point that swings to and from?
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What sammo hung weight?

Sammo Hung, a martial artist and actor, is known to have weighed around 200-220 pounds at his peak. However, his weight may fluctuate over time due to changes in his training and diet.

What happens when a lodestone is hung freely from a rope?

When a lodestone is hung freely from a rope, it will align itself with the Earth's magnetic field and point north-south. This behavior is due to the lodestone's natural magnetic properties.

How does a spring scale measure weight?

A spring scale measures weight by measuring the force necessary to stretch or compress a spring in the device. The more the spring stretches or compresses when an object is hung from it, the greater the force or weight of the object. This force is then translated into a weight reading on the scale.

When a 2-N weight is hung from a spring the spring stretches 0.04 m How much does the spring stretch when a 6-N weight is hung from it?

The spring constant is calculated using Hooke's Law: F = kx. For a 2-N weight, k = F / x = 2 N / 0.04 m = 50 N/m. Using this constant, the spring stretches for the 6-N weight is x = F / k = 6 N / 50 N/m = 0.12 m.

How do you make a model of spring balance?

Take 4 or 5 rubber bands and tie them together to make a string 15-20cm long. Fashion a pan out of an index card and a paper clip and attach it to the end of the rubber band string, it should look like an inverted parachute. Attach the other end of the rubber band string to a fixed point like the top rail of a chalkboard or another surface that can be marked. Place a mark on the chalkboard at the very bottom of the pan. Place a known weight in the pan and make another mark at the lower level. Divide the weight by the distance moved and note this number, it is known as the "spring rate". Say that the pan moved down 25mm when a weight of 100gm was weighed, then place marks every 25mm down the chalkboard and mark them as intervals of 100gm. Subdivide the marks for more accuracy, in this case, 2.5mm per 10gm. You now have a fairly accurate scale.

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What is a mass hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely?

a pendulum

What is a good sentence for the word pendulum?

I have a pendulum clock or my dog's tail swung like a pendulum when he heard the jingle of his lead. Dictionary definition for pendulum- A weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward, esp. a rod with a weight at the end that regulates the mechanism of a clock.

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An awning window is a window which is hung horizontally in order that it swings outward.

What is the relationship between the extension of the spring and the weight hung on it?

when the extension of the spring increases the weight hung on it also increases

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Tree installation is not endorsed by the manufacturer for safety reasons.

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A plumb line is a weighted string which when hung from a fixed point and allowed to become motionless, indicates perpendicular to level. Perfect for aligning vertically that first piece of wallpaper.

Is swings a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'swings' is a common noun, the plural form of the noun 'swing', a general word for any device hung from ropes or chains used for enjoyment or as a lifting device.The word 'swings' is also a verb, the third person, singular, present of the verb to swing.Example:The children love to play on the swings in the park. (noun)The crane swings the girder to the men waiting to position it. (verb)

What are the pros and cons of single or double hung windows?

A single hung window will have only one opening part with a fixed part. A double hung allows both parts to be opened, although this comes with a higher cost to installation.

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How do you install a pre hung interior door?

Google is your friend you should visit more often. A whole host of instructions here: A pre - hung door can be hung in a few simple steps. Below are the steps in which to accomplish this:  Door swings away from you  1. Remove shipping ties. Start at side that swings away from you. Place door into opening. Place about a 1/8 inch shim under the jamb on the hinge side. This is to account for any unlevel floor conditions........

What is the difference between double-hung single-hung windows?

Both sashes operate in double hungs.HistorySingle-hung windows used to be the norm in construction. A single-hung window has a fixed top sash that does not operate. The lower sash can be operated vertically. With advances in materials and balancing operations, double-hung windows became standard replacements for single-hung windows.FeaturesThe main advantage of double-hung windows over single-hung windows is that both sashes operate vertically. The top sash can be lowered, and the bottom sash can be raised to allow for fresh air. While you do not actually gain any additional open space, the options for air flow are greater. BenefitsDouble-hung windows are also, generally, easier to clean. Because both sashes operate, they are usually designed so that they tilt in for ease of cleaning. Single-hung windows, due to their fixed state, require access to the outside and inside to clean them. This is particularly bothersome on upper-level windows. WarningThe one possible advantage to single-hung windows is that they can offer increased insulation from the elements. However, this is a minor consideration considering the quality of window design and manufacture in today's marketplace. MisconceptionsIn some instances, a fixed window may be referred to as a single-hung window. A fixed window is a window that does not operate at all. It is a solid piece of glass in a frame. This is not the same as a single-hung window.