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I predict that as the temperature increases, the rate of reaction will also increase due to the higher kinetic energy of the molecules involved.

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Q: What is a statement that describes what you think will happen in an experiment?
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Why interference fringes are parallel in this experiment?

In interference experiments, the interference fringes are typically parallel because the light waves used in the experiment are coherent and have the same frequency and phase. This causes the waves to constructively and destructively interfere in a predictable manner, leading to the formation of parallel fringes on the screen.

What variable is part of the experiment that is being changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable that is changed by the person conducting the experiment is called the independent variable. It is the variable that is manipulated or controlled to observe its effect on another variable.

What will happen if you add a marble in a tornado in bottle?

Placing a marble in a tornado in a bottle will just act as another object caught in the vortex created inside the bottle. It will spin around with the other air and debris, but won't have any significant impact on the overall behavior of the tornado.

Difference between observation and prediction?

Observation involves gathering information through direct or indirect means based on what is currently happening or has already occurred. Prediction, on the other hand, involves using available data to forecast or estimate the likelihood of future events or outcomes. Observations are factual descriptions of current or past events, while predictions are informed guesses about what might happen in the future based on patterns or trends.

What variable is unchanging?

In an experiment, your control variable will not be caused to vary by the experiment. Think of 'cause and effect'. The independent variable is the cause, the result is the effect, and the dependent variable is the one that you leave to be changed by the experiment.

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What is a statement that can tested and that explains what you think will happen in an experiment?


What is a statement that can be tested and that explains what you think will happen in a experiment?


What a statement that can be tested and that explains what you think will happen in an experiment?


What is a statement that can be tested in that explains what you will think will happen in experiment?


What is difference in between modelling and experiment?

The model is what you think will happen, the experiment is what actually does happen.

What does hypothesis meaning in a science fair project?

The word hypothesis means the expected outcome of the experiment. Think of it as an educated guess or explanation of what you think will happen in your experiment based on what you have learned about your subject. It consists of two parts. Part one is the hypothesis statement. You make your hypothesis statement by rewriting your problem as a statement and adding the "answer" to it. BE SPECIFIC! Part two is a short explanation of the scientific reasoning for your hypothesis. And that is your answer for hypothesis!!

What is a statement that can be tested and that explains what you think will happen in an experiment?

The hypothesis is the cornerstone of science, and hypotheses can be constructed areas, hypotheses may be reached inductively, and a set of competing hypotheses.

What is a statement that can be tested and that explains what you think will happen in?


How do you write hypothesis?

You write an if-then statement to represent what you think will happen at the end of your experiment. For example, let's say someone did an experiment on if chemicals effect plant growth. The hypothesis would be, "If chemicals contain unnatural substances that are un-earth friendly, then they will effect plant growth."

What does hypotheses mean on a science project?

it means what do you think will happen in this experiment.

What is the hypothesis of a experiement?

The Hypothesis of an experiment is your prediction, what you think is going to happen

A hypothesis identifies what you think will happen during a process or experiment?
