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It's called a geyser.

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Norval Lind

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

A geyser is a type of hot spring that shoots water and steam into the air periodically due to underground heat causing pressure buildup in the water table. Examples include Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park.

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Q: What is a spring that shoots hot water into the air?
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What type of spring called blank is a column of water that shoots up intermittently with great force?

The type of spring you are referring to is known as a geyser. Geysers are natural hot water springs that intermittently erupt with great force due to underground steam pressure.

An intermittent hot spring in which a column of water shoots up with great force at various intervals is a?

A geyser. It occurs when underground water is heated by volcanic activity and builds up pressure until it erupts through a vent in the Earth's surface.

Why is heat energy transferred from hot water in the tank to surrounding air?

Heat energy is transferred from hot water to surrounding air through convection, as the hot water molecules gain kinetic energy and move faster, causing them to rise and transfer heat to the air molecules. This process continues until there is thermal equilibrium between the hot water and the surrounding air.

Why hot air contain more water than cold?

Hot air can hold more water vapor than cold air because the higher temperature increases the kinetic energy of water molecules, allowing them to escape into the air more easily. As air cools, it loses its capacity to hold water vapor, leading to condensation and potentially precipitation.

Where does the energy come from to heat air in a single room in a hot water system?

In a hot water system, the energy to heat the air in a single room comes from the hot water circulating through a radiator or coil within a heating unit. The hot water transfers its heat to the air through convection as it passes through the heating unit, warming the room.

Related questions

What is a spring that shoots hot water into the air called?

It's called a geyser.

What is a spring that shoots out hot water?

Those are called geysers.

What is a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water steam above the ground?

A hot spring that naturally shoots steam and boiling water is called a geyser.

At the what mud boils and bubles and shoots into the air?

At the volcanoes and geysers, mud boils and bubbles and shoots in to the air. There are also hot springs near the geysers.

What is a natural hot spring that shoots a fountain of steam?


A type of hot spring from which the water bursts periodically into the air is called?


What term is given to a natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air?

A geyser is a hot spring characterized by intermittent discharge of water ejected turbulently and accompanied by steam.

What type of spring called blank is a column of water that shoots up intermittently with great force?

The type of spring you are referring to is known as a geyser. Geysers are natural hot water springs that intermittently erupt with great force due to underground steam pressure.

What is the difference between a hot spring and a geyser?

Hot springs are the areas where water is constantly boiling inside a hole or heated pond. While Geyser is a hole where water is always rising into the air and then rising up again at a approximate time repeatedly.

Will there be hot air balloon rides for the Spring Poppy Festival?

It looks like there will be hot air balloon rides at the Spring Poppy Festival!

What is the difference between a volcano and a geyser?

A volcano is a vent in the Earth's crust that allows magma, ash, and gases to escape to the surface, leading to eruptions of molten rock. A geyser, on the other hand, is a hot spring that periodically erupts columns of hot water and steam into the air due to underground water being heated by magma. Volcanoes are typically associated with more violent and explosive activity compared to the relatively calm and periodic eruptions of geysers.

What do you call a spring that spouts out hot water?

It is called a hot spring or geothermal spring.Where water is heated to steam underground, and erupts in a spray, it is called a geyser.