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A shard or sliver is a small piece or part of something, especially a piece of glass.

But other kinds of items, it could also be a fragment.

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A shard.

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Q: What is a small piece or part of something like a piece of glass?
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Explain why a flat piece of glass does not bring light to a focus while a curved piece of glass can?

A flat piece of glass does not bring light to a focus because it does not bend or refract the light rays. A curved piece of glass, however, can bring light to a focus by bending the light rays as they pass through, converging them to a point. This bending or refraction occurs due to the curved surface of the glass, which changes the direction of the light rays.

We have a 3/8" thick glass coffee table top which we want to shorten. We are told if the glass is tempered- no can do. True any way to tell if a piece of glassis tempered?

If the glass is tempered, it cannot be cut without shattering. To determine if the glass is tempered, check for a manufacturer's stamp on a corner or edge of the glass. Additionally, if the glass is tempered, it will shatter into small, relatively harmless pieces when broken, unlike non-tempered glass which breaks into sharp, jagged pieces.

Can you cut a radius in a piece of glass?

Yes, glass can be cut with a radius by using a special glass cutter or a wet saw with a diamond blade. It is important to use proper safety precautions and techniques to avoid chipping or cracking the glass.

What is the procedure of breaking glass?

To safely break glass, wear gloves and eye protection. Use a tool like a glass cutter or a hammer with a pointed tip to make a score or a small hole in the glass before applying pressure to break it along the scored line. Dispose of the glass carefully to avoid injuries.

What is glass trough?

A glass trough is a long, shallow container made of glass usually used for holding liquids or small items for observation or experimentation. It is commonly used in laboratory settings for activities like titrations, chemical reactions, or cultivating plants.

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A small piece or part of something like a piece of glass is called what?

A small piece or part of something like a piece of glass is called a shard.

A small piece or part of something like a piece of glass?

A small piece or part of something is called a portion of whatever the thing is.

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A small piece of something, like chocolate, could be referred to as a "bite" or a "morsel."

What is the definition of between in math?

between something like i am between a piece of glass

Why do investigators examining a crime scene may need a magnifying glass to search for clues?

they could miss something so tiny, like a thread or a piece of glass, so that they could miss it with the naked eye, that is why they can use a magnifying glass/

a small piece or bit of something?

Bit is a small but useful word. Like drill bits, which fit on the end of a drill to change its function, the word bit has several uses. Usually, it means a little piece of something, even time.

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a woodruff key is a small piece of metal that holds something in place to keep it from a pulley

What is splintered?

a splinter is a small piece of wood, metal, glass, ect. that is brocken off another piece.

What is shards o glass?

Small pieces of glass, (like the expression), glass splinters

What does the word glazed mean?

Covered in glass, or something that looks like glass.

What is an antonym for shard?

A shard is a small piece of something, so an antonym for shard would probably be... something like whole...That's what I can come up with at the moment. :P ~Khrys! <3

Is one able to have a small glass of alcohol?

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