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Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on an object. When this charge builds up, it can lead to an electric discharge, where the excess charge is released through a sudden flow of current. This discharge can be seen as sparks or arcs of electricity between objects with different electrical potentials.

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Q: What is a short paragraph using the terms static electricity and electric discharge?
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A static discharge differs form an electric current in that a static discharge?

A static discharge is a sudden flow of electricity between two objects with different electric potential, whereas an electric current is a continuous flow of electric charge in a closed circuit. Static discharge occurs due to a build-up of static electricity, while electric current flows due to an applied voltage.

What is the loss of static electricity called?

The loss of static electricity is called "discharge." This occurs when excess electric charge on an object is neutralized by transferring electrons to or from another object.

How is static electricity related to electric discharge?

Static electricity is buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object. When the charge accumulates to a certain level, it can form an electric discharge, which is a sudden flow of electric current between two charged objects. This discharge results in the release of stored electrical energy in the form of heat, light, and sound.

What is an atmospheric discharge of static electricity called?

An atmospheric discharge of static electricity is commonly known as lightning. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm when there is a buildup of electric charge in the atmosphere.

Why is lighting described as static electricity?

Lighting is not typically described as static electricity. Static electricity refers to the buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object, while lighting refers to the discharge of atmospheric electricity. They both involve the movement of electric charge, but they are distinct phenomena with different causes and characteristics.

Related questions

A static discharge differs form an electric current in that a static discharge?

A static discharge is a sudden flow of electricity between two objects with different electric potential, whereas an electric current is a continuous flow of electric charge in a closed circuit. Static discharge occurs due to a build-up of static electricity, while electric current flows due to an applied voltage.

How does a static discharge differs from an electric discharge?

It doesn't differ at all, an electric current is electricity that is moving in a current and when static electricity is discharged from an object it creates a current from one object to another

What is the loss of static electricity called?

The loss of static electricity is called "discharge." This occurs when excess electric charge on an object is neutralized by transferring electrons to or from another object.

What is the difference between static electricity and electric discharge?

Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object, while electric discharge is the sudden flow of electricity between two charged objects or points at different voltages. Static electricity is usually a temporary imbalance of charges, while electric discharge results in the equalization of charges, often in the form of sparks or lightning.

A static discharge differs from an electric current in that a static discharge?

A static discharge is a sudden, brief flow of electricity between two objects with different electrical charges, often caused by friction or contact. It differs from an electric current, which is a continuous flow of electric charge through a conductor.

The spark that jumps between the hand and the doorknob is an example of?

an electric discharge ******************* Static electricity.

List two examples of electric discharge?

1.lightning2.sparks of static electricity

How is static electricity related to electric discharge?

Static electricity is buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object. When the charge accumulates to a certain level, it can form an electric discharge, which is a sudden flow of electric current between two charged objects. This discharge results in the release of stored electrical energy in the form of heat, light, and sound.

What is an atmospheric discharge of static electricity called?

An atmospheric discharge of static electricity is commonly known as lightning. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm when there is a buildup of electric charge in the atmosphere.

The discharge of static electricity in thunderclouds is seen as?

Lightning, which is a visible electric discharge between the clouds or between the clouds and the ground. This discharge of static electricity heats the surrounding air, causing a rapid expansion that creates thunder.

How does a static discharge differ from an electric current?

A static discharge is a sudden flow of electricity between two objects with different electrical charges, while an electric current is a continuous flow of electrons through a conductor. Static discharge is typically a quick and high-voltage event, whereas electric current is a steady and controllable flow of electrons used to power electrical devices.

How are electricity and static electricity different?

none, except:static electricity is electric charge without current flow, usually induced by friction between two different insulating materials.dynamic electricity is electric charge with current flow.when static electricity is discharged it is no longer static, as there is current flow during the discharge.