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A scratch on a diamond is known as an abrasion. It refers to a visible mark or line on the surface of the diamond that is caused by wear or damage. Abrasions can affect the diamond's clarity and overall appearance.

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Q: What is a scratch on a diamond called?
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No mineral can scratch diamond.

Can a diamond scratch itself?

A diamond can scratch a diamond, but one diamond cannot scratch itself.

Can quartz scratch a diamond?

No. Only a diamond can scratch another diamond.

Can a knife scratch a diamond?

Nope! A diamond is the hardest substance on earth so only a diamond can scratch a diamond!

Can a diamond scratch a nail?

Yes: not a good use for a diamond, but yes, a diamond will scratch a nail.

Could diamond scratch another diamond?

Yes, in fact, it is the only way to scratch a diamond.

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Diamond is harder than steel: you can scratch steel with a diamond, but steel will not scratch a diamond.

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noNo other way around

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Diamond will scratch everything, including diamond.

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What can scrach a diamond?

A diamond can only be scratched by another diamond due to its hardness. No other material is hard enough to scratch a diamond.

How do you tell if a rock is a diamond?

The field test for diamond is 'extreme hardness'. If you believe that you've found a diamond stone, you can take it to a jeweler, who will apply a probe and verify your find as a diamond stone, or not.