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Heat is measured by temperature.

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An object's temperature can be measured using a thermometer, which provides a numerical value in units such as degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. This measurement quantifies how hot or cold an object is relative to a reference point.

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What Measurement about how hot an object is?

Temperature is the measurement of how hot an object is. It is typically measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. Temperature is a reflection of the average kinetic energy of particles within an object.

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They both have something to do with thermal energy.

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Yes, the word 'temperatures' is a noun, the plural form of the singular noun 'temperature'; a word for measurement of how hot or how cold a place or object is; a word for a thing.

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Celsius or centigrade are two units o measurement. Also Fahrenheit is another mode of measuring temperature or how hot or cold an object is

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