

What is a force of attraction?

Updated: 6/5/2024
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7y ago

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A force of attraction is a force that draws objects towards each other due to their mass and distance. Examples include gravity attracting objects towards the Earth, or magnetic forces that pull together magnetic materials.

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The attraction between two objects is called force of attraction or gravitational force.

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the force of attraction that holds atoms together is a chemical bond

What force is attraction?

To go towards the force

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To go towards the force

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It is an electrical attraction.

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Intermoleculer attraction ;)

Is the force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses?

The force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses is Gravity!


The force of attraction or repulsion due to static changes

Force of attraction that decreases as distance increases?

The force of attraction that decreases as distance increases is called the inverse square law. This law states that the force of attraction between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. As the distance increases, the force of attraction decreases rapidly.

Attraction between molecules of the same substance is called what?

It is intermolecular force of attraction, it may be 1- dipole - dipole interaction, 2- vander waal's force of attraction.

A force of attraction would exist between what two subatomic particles?

A force attraction exist between a protons and a neutron