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Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object through air, while friction force between two solids is the force that opposes the relative motion of two objects sliding over each other. Air resistance is influenced by factors like the object's shape and speed, while friction force is influenced by factors like the nature of the surfaces in contact and the normal force between them.

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Q: What is a difference between air resistance and the friction force between two solids can slide over each other?
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What are the main differences between viscosity and friction?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, while friction is the resistance encountered when two surfaces move against each other. Viscosity depends on the internal friction within a fluid, while friction is a force that opposes motion between surfaces. Viscosity is specific to fluids, while friction can occur in both solids and fluids.

Does friction occurs only between solids?

No, friction can occur between any two surfaces in contact, regardless of whether they are both solids. Friction can also occur between a solid and a liquid, a liquid and a liquid, or a solid and a gas.

When solids surface slides over each other the kind of friction that occurs is called BLANK friction?

When solids surfaces slide over each other, the type of friction that occurs is called kinetic friction. This type of friction opposes the motion of the objects relative to each other, causing resistance.

Friction between solids can be most accurately defined as the force that opposes the sliding motion of what two?

Friction between solids can be accurately defined as the force that opposes the sliding motion of two surfaces in contact with each other.

What is the word for a force that opposes the motion of an object?

The opposing forces such as friction in case of solids and viscous force in case of fluids are always present in the natural world.a force can cause a resting object to move, or it can accelerate a moving object by changing the object's speed or a shorter way to say is frictionFriction

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What is the easiest friction between solids to overcome?

The easiest friction between solids to overcome are simply rubber and water

What are the main differences between viscosity and friction?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, while friction is the resistance encountered when two surfaces move against each other. Viscosity depends on the internal friction within a fluid, while friction is a force that opposes motion between surfaces. Viscosity is specific to fluids, while friction can occur in both solids and fluids.

Does friction occurs only between solids?

No, friction can occur between any two surfaces in contact, regardless of whether they are both solids. Friction can also occur between a solid and a liquid, a liquid and a liquid, or a solid and a gas.

When solids surface slides over each other the kind of friction that occurs is called BLANK friction?

When solids surfaces slide over each other, the type of friction that occurs is called kinetic friction. This type of friction opposes the motion of the objects relative to each other, causing resistance.

Friction between solids can be most accurately defined as the force that opposes the sliding motion of what two?

Friction between solids can be accurately defined as the force that opposes the sliding motion of two surfaces in contact with each other.

What is the difference between clarifier and classifier?

Clarifier removes solids from Liquid and Clarifier removes solids from Gas

What Has the greatest amount of friction between solid surfaces?

Solids that are actually glued, or better yet soldered, together.

What has the author Frank Philip Bowden written?

Frank Philip Bowden has written: 'Friction' -- subject(s): Tribology, Friction 'Fast reactions in solids' -- subject(s): Solids, Explosions, Crystallography 'The friction and lubrication of solids' -- subject(s): Lubrication and lubricants, Friction, Tribology 'Initiation and growth of explosion in liquids and solids' -- subject(s): Explosions

What is the word for a force that opposes the motion of an object?

The opposing forces such as friction in case of solids and viscous force in case of fluids are always present in the natural world.a force can cause a resting object to move, or it can accelerate a moving object by changing the object's speed or a shorter way to say is frictionFriction

Is solid a type of friction?

No, solid is not a type of friction. Friction is a force that opposes motion between two objects in contact with each other. Solids are a state of matter, characterized by having a fixed shape and volume.

What is the difference between Static and Kinetic Friction?

Between any two body surfaces in contact there acts an frictional force. A friction can operate between a given pair of solids, between a solid and fluid or between a pair of fluids. There are two types of frictional forces : kinetic and static friction. When two bodies in contact move with respect to each other , rubbing the surfaces in contact the friction between them is called kinetic friction. The directions of frictional forces are such that it opposes the relative motion. Friction forces can also act between two bodies which are in contact but not moving or sliding with respect to each other. The friction in such case is static friction.

What has the author F P Bowden written?

F. P. Bowden has written: 'Initiation and growth of explosion in liquidsand solids' 'The friction and lubrication of solids' -- subject(s): Tribology 'Friction' 'Friction and lubrication'