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A dilemma is a condition that forces people to make a decision between two or more options that are equally undesirable or favorable. It typically involves a situation where there is no clear or easy choice available.

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Q: What is a condition that forces people to make a decision about something is?
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How many g-forces can cause death?

The exact number of g-forces that can cause death can vary depending on an individual's health, age, and physical condition. However, sustained exposure to forces greater than 20-30 g's is generally considered to be potentially fatal for most people.

What forces is acting when 2 people is on the sea-saw in unbalanced forces?

When two people are on a seesaw and one side is lower, the unbalanced forces are gravity acting on the people's masses. The force pulling down on one side causes it to lower while the other side rises, creating an imbalance.

How do you calculate the net force when two people are pushing in the same direction?

To calculate the net force when two people are pushing in the same direction, you simply add their individual forces together. The net force will be the sum of both forces acting in the same direction.

When two people together simultaneously push the table in the same direction the force applied is what?

The force applied is the sum of the forces exerted by each person. If both people are exerting the same amount of force in the same direction, then the total force applied to the table is the combined force exerted by both individuals.

What is a good title for a book about forces?

Only you can come up with a good name! Titles come from the story, not from some anonymous person on the internet! Titles are not as important as some writers think - your title might change many times between your first write and your final draft!Think about your story - what is going on and who are the people involved? What is something special about the story that might make a good title? Don't sweat it - just write something down and get on with the story!Check out the Related Questions for help with your book, too!

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Are they embarrassed with decision of being gay?

Being gay is not a decision. It's something you are either born with, you are not. But yes, some people are embarrassed about being gay.

When would you use win-win?

When two people can not come to a decision the compromise can usually be a win win as in both people get something good out of.

Four principles of economic decision making?

There are actually ten principles of economic decision making. The first four are, people face trade offs, the cost of something is what you give up to get it, rational people think at the margin, and people respond to incentives.

What is the best question of a role model?

When you decide to do something, do you ever worry what other people think? When you consider trying something new [or changing something], does fear of failure play a part in your decision?

What is consensus communication?

it is a process in wich many people take a decision about some one or something with a lot of discosions and analisis.

Why would something be considered a bad decision?

There are many reasons something may be considered a bad decision. The main reason stems from human psychology - there are some things that we as people simply see as "good" or "bad." For example, someone would normally say giving to charity is a "good decision," while stealing is a bad one.

What is the simplest term for paranoia?

a condition where a person has, often strange, fears that other people are planning to do something or are talking about them.

What are the major influences that affect the courts decision?

usually people dont let this get in the way, but sometimes emotion has a little something to do with court decisions.

How many g-forces can cause death?

The exact number of g-forces that can cause death can vary depending on an individual's health, age, and physical condition. However, sustained exposure to forces greater than 20-30 g's is generally considered to be potentially fatal for most people.

In which age bracket do people mostly get Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is something a baby has at birth. It is not a condition that you can "get" at a later age.

Why human hesitate to take decision in life?

Humans are always afraid of uncertainty and what the future hides for them. People get really hesitant when they have to make a decision which is crucial they fear the outcome of their choice whether it is going to be what they want or not. Some people are also afraid of taking responsibility for something they chose.

What Group is Decision making and individual decision making?

An individual decision is a decision that was made by one person. A group decision is a decision that was crafted by multiple people.