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A concave shell is a shell that curves inward, creating a depression in the middle. This type of shell is often found in certain species of mollusks and serves as protection and support for the organism. The concave shape helps to make the shell stronger and more resistant to external pressures.

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I believe this is a slightly curved shell on the bottom of a turtle (as apposed to flat) which would indicate that the turtle is a male. It is convex as apposed to concave which means it is rounded like the outside of a bowl. Concave of course would be the rounded inside of the bowl.

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How do you know if your tortoises is a boy or girl?

A male will have a slightly concave bottom shell (it will curve in). The female will have a flat bottom shell. Also a male's tail is thicker than a female's.

How will you know if the turtle is male of female?

Males have longer front claws and tails, and the bottom shell or plastron in concave, meaning dented inward.

Why plastral in males tortoises became concavity?

Because the concave plastral allows the male to 'fit' closely with the convex shell of the female during mating.

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How do seashells protect themselves?

They clam-up. Clams have two concave shells that they can clamp tightly together, totally encasing themselves in hard limestone. Snails withdraw into their hollow shells and have a little trap-door they can close behind themselves. Limpets have only one concave shell on their backs however they clamp themselves down hard on a rock so their shell covers them completely.

Pictures of a turttle that's a female and a male?

it depends what kind of turtle most of them you can tell by looking at the bottom shell-the plastron if it is concave it is a male, if it is flat it is a female.

What is the opposite of Convex?

The opposite of convex is concave. Concave shapes have an inward curve, while convex shapes have an outward curve.

How do you know if a terrapin is a boy or a girl?

girls shell is bigger boys Shel is flatter

Is concave a parallelogram?

Concave is a property of [irregular] polygons. A parallelogram cannot be concave.