If the parliament loses its confidence in the Council of Minister and its functioning,a motion of no confidence be introduced in the Lok Sabha.If it is passed by a simple majority the PM and the council of ministers must resign collectively. -Shrestha Nand
The four types of motion are linear motion (motion in a straight line), rotational motion (motion around an axis), oscillatory motion (repeated back-and-forth movement), and translational motion (motion from one point to another without rotation).
The types of translational motion include rectilinear motion (motion along a straight line), curvilinear motion (motion along a curved path), and general plane motion (combination of translation and rotation).
The types of motion include linear motion (movement in a straight line), rotational motion (movement around an axis), and oscillatory motion (repetitive back-and-forth movement). Other types of motion include circular motion, periodic motion, and translational motion.
Examples of motion include walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing. These actions involve the movement of the body from one place to another.
The six basic types of motion are linear motion (straight-line motion), circular motion (rotation along a curve), reciprocating motion (back-and-forth motion), oscillating motion (repetitive swinging motion), vibratory motion (small rapid movements), and random motion (irregular movement in all directions).
A motion of no confidence is submitted when a government official or managerial person is in gross misconduct. When the motion of no confidence is received, a vote is held.
speaker of lok sabha
It is 6 months in Indian House of People (Lower house). The upper house has no such powers.
For example, should the Government of Canada lose a budget vote (which would be an expression of non-confidence in the Government), the Government may propose a motion of confidence, which if passed would override the effect of the lost budget vote. (It would not revive the bill, but would prevent the defeat of the Government.) Motions of confidence always override motions of non-confidence.
Motions can absolutely override other motions. For example, should the Government of Canada lose a budget vote (which would be an expression of non-confidence in the Government), the Government may propose a motion of confidence, which if passed would override the effect of the lost budget vote. (It would not revive the bill, but would prevent the defeat of the Government.) Motions of confidence always override motions of non-confidence.
A simple majority is needed to pass a motion of no confidence, meaning only one more vote than the opposing side. The most recent successful motion of no confidence which led to the collapse of James Callaghan's government was passed 311-310.
In lok sabha only.
GV mavlankar
A confidence motion in Canada is one where members of the House of Commons are asked to vote on the Speech from the Throne, a tax bill, or spending bill. The government can also declare that a specific bill is a confidence motion. Failure of the majority of Members of Parliament to support the bill would result in the collapse of parliament and thus trigger an election. The opposition can also put forward a motion during opposition days to ask for a vote on the condidence of Government.In Canada a vote of non-confidence is voteing to decide if the majority of members in the House of Commons still have confidence in the Canadian government's ability to lead the country.
a vote of non-confidence to overthrow the government No confidence vote (Canada) A motion introduced in the House of Commons (the major law making body of government) indicating that the House (made up of elected representatives) has lost confidence in the government. (Also known as a non confidence motion.) If passed, the government has two options: a. Resign, prompting the Governor General to call an election. b. Ask the Governor General to dissolve parliament and call an election.
yes they participate as an elected member in both houses.EXCEPTION IS,they only can not vote in presidential election.
A vote on a motion that indicates that the government has lost the confidence of the House if it is adopted. The government would then normally resign or request the Governor General/Lieutenant Governor to dissolve Parliament/Legislature and issue election writs.