40 lb is equal to 640 oz because 1 lb is equivalent to 16 oz. Therefore, multiplying 40 lb by 16 oz gives you 640 oz.
40 oz equals 2.5 pounds and 8 ounces.
40 oz of water weighs approximately 2.5 pounds.
4 cups 8 oz=1 cup
40 milliliters is equivalent to approximately 1.35 fluid ounces.
4.43602943 cl
400 ml = 40 cl.
1 US fluid ounce = about 3 (2.95735296) cL
8 US fluid ounces = 23.7 (23.6588236) cL
150 cl = about 51 (50.7210341) US fluid ounces.
1 cl = 0.33 oz
1,5 cl (15 mL) equal 0,507 210 3 oz.
1 ounce is equal to approximately 29.57 milliliters, which is equivalent to about 2.957 centiliters.
40 oz= 1182.9411875006815 ML.
40 fl oz is 5 cups.40 fl oz is 5 cups.
40 oz. because if you have 2 lbs. that is automatically 32 oz. which makes 40 bigger