To convert gallons to liters, you can use the conversion factor that 1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.78541 liters. Therefore, for a barrel of oil containing 42.0 gallons, the equivalent volume in liters would be 42.0 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon ≈ 158.99 liters. If 1 liter is equal to 1.06 quarts, then you can also convert the volume from liters to quarts by multiplying 158.99 liters * 1.06 qt/L ≈ 168.52 quarts.
1 barrel (US fluid) = 119.24 liters But there are many other barrel units, which will give you different results, use the converter i linked below to do the conversion.
A standard barrel of Diesel contains 159 liters of Diesel.
how big is the barrel..... Standard barrel is 55 gallons. If you are asking how many gallons from a barrel of crude-restate.
A petroleum barrel is not a physical barrel but a unit of measurement. It is defined as 42 US gallons. There are 3.785 liters to the gallon. So 3.785 x 42 = 158.97 liters in one barrel of oil.
1 barrel = 42 US gallons = 158.987 litres ~ 159 liters
About 1/4 of a barrel or 9 gallons (34 liters).
1 barrel of oil = 158.987295 liters 1 barrel of oil = 42 US gallons
A standard barrel of oil holds 42 gallons, which is equivalent to approximately 159 liters.
The units in a barrel of oil are US gallons. One barrel is equivalent to 42 US gallons.
To convert gallons to liters, you can use the conversion factor that 1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.78541 liters. Therefore, for a barrel of oil containing 42.0 gallons, the equivalent volume in liters would be 42.0 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon ≈ 158.99 liters. If 1 liter is equal to 1.06 quarts, then you can also convert the volume from liters to quarts by multiplying 158.99 liters * 1.06 qt/L ≈ 168.52 quarts.
42 US gallons = 158.987 liters
A barrel of crude oil consists of 42 gallons. There is 3.2 liters to every gallon. A barrel of oil will contain 134 liters.
1 barrel (US fluid) = 119.24 liters But there are many other barrel units, which will give you different results, use the converter i linked below to do the conversion.
There are 42 gallons to a barrel and about 4 liters per gallon so there woule be about 168 liters per barrel.Approximately 117 litres to one US Barrel In the UK motor trade,barrels of oil and antifreeze contain 105 litres
There are 55 gallons in a drum and 42 gallons (1 U.S. gallon = 3.78541178 liters) in a barrel (i.e., 1 barrel = 158.9872948 liters). Originally there were 40 gallons to a barrel. However, that was changed in the mid-19th century to give a little extra so consumers wouldn't feel "cheated." A little over 19 gallons of gasoline can be refined from a barrel of oil. Other products (jet fuel, lubricants, etc.) make up the rest.
One Barrel of crude = 42 US gallons = approx 35 imperial gallons = approx 159 litres.