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Definitely the iceberg because it is much more massive compared to the others. Keep in mind internal energy is more than just heat. One exception would be if the iceberg was at absolute zero, but i doubt that is the case.

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The cup of hot coffee has the greatest amount of internal energy because it has the highest temperature compared to the other items listed. Internal energy is proportional to temperature, so the hotter the object, the more internal energy it has.

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Q: What has the greatest amount of internal energy 1 an iceberg 2 a pencil 3 a laptop 4 a cup of cold water 5 a cup of hot coffee?
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Comparing the iceberg and the hot cup of coffee which one has more thermal energy Explain why?

The hot cup of coffee has more thermal energy than an iceberg. This is because thermal energy is directly related to temperature, and the cup of coffee is at a much higher temperature than the iceberg, meaning it contains more thermal energy.

Why does an iceberg have more thermal energy than hot water?

why is because think about it a pot of water has a little bit of water so that means little bit of molecules. and an iceberg has to many. so even though an ice berg is cold doesn't mean its not heated so there are more moving molecules moving les fast then a small pot of water moving more fast and you should mesure it in kelvin aka 0* as lowest.

What are the example of thermal energy or internal energy?

Examples of thermal energy or internal energy include the heat energy released from a fireplace, the energy stored in the hot water of a geyser, and the kinetic energy of molecules in a cup of hot coffee.

How does a cover on a coffee cup prevent heat escaping?

A cover on a coffee cup creates a barrier that reduces the heat lost through convection and evaporation. It traps the air around the coffee, which acts as an insulator to keep the drink warmer for longer. Additionally, it reduces heat loss through radiant heat transfer by reflecting some of the heat back into the cup.

What is the difference between heat and temperture?

Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between objects due to a temperature difference. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. In simpler terms, heat is the energy transfer, while temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.

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Which countries produce the greatest amount of tea coffee and sugar?

China produces the greatest amount of tea coffee and sugar in the world

Comparing the iceberg and the hot cup of coffee which one has more thermal energy Explain why?

The hot cup of coffee has more thermal energy than an iceberg. This is because thermal energy is directly related to temperature, and the cup of coffee is at a much higher temperature than the iceberg, meaning it contains more thermal energy.

When a sealed Thermos bottle full of hot coffee is shaken what are the changes if any in a the temperature of the coffee b the internal energy of the coffee?

There is a large increase in the temperature of the coffee due to the large amount of kinetic energy inputed into the system through the shaking motion. Thus due to the heat being released there is a large decrease in the internal energy of the system

Which two countries are the greatest coffee growers?

According to the search I've made, the Colombia is the greatest coffee grower...

A person shakes a sealed insulated bottle containing hot coffee for a few minutes what is the change in the temperature of the coffee. what is the change in the internal energy of the coffee?

The shaking doesn't significantly change the temperature of the coffee inside the sealed insulated bottle because the heat loss or gain is minimal due to the insulation. However, the shaking does increase the internal energy of the coffee by increasing its kinetic energy due to the agitation caused by shaking.

Who is the greatest producer of coffee?

Brazil produced 40% of the worlds coffee crop.

Why does an iceberg have more thermal energy than hot water?

why is because think about it a pot of water has a little bit of water so that means little bit of molecules. and an iceberg has to many. so even though an ice berg is cold doesn't mean its not heated so there are more moving molecules moving les fast then a small pot of water moving more fast and you should mesure it in kelvin aka 0* as lowest.

Which contains the greatest amount of air pressure a cup of coffee a 10 gallon aquarium and a bottle of ginger ale?

They all have the same

The more mass a material has the greater the temparture?

Where in the world did that idea come from ? Compare an iceberg the size of California and a cup of coffee.

Which has more heat energy the ice sculpture or a lighted match?

First note that "thermal energy" is a term that is long since obsolete. The correct term is "Internal Energy". "Thermal energy" was a term that was in use when people thought of energy as being some kind of fluid called "caloric" that was transferred between things at different temperatures. With that said: an iceberg has more internal energy when compared to a hot cup of coffee mainly due to the variance in size. Total internal energy is not necessarily determined by the presence of heat but the mass of the molecules present.

What causes cream to mix with coffee?

Cream mixes with coffee due to a process called diffusion, where molecules of cream move from areas of high concentration to low concentration. Adding cream to coffee allows for the fat molecules in the cream to disperse and blend with the water-based coffee, creating a uniform mixture. Additionally, the act of stirring coffee helps to facilitate this mixing process by promoting the intermingling of the two substances.

What is the maximum amount of coffee that the grinder can handle at one time?

One pound of coffee is the maximum amount the hopper can hold.