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Items of a small mass:

  1. A Kleenex tissue
  2. a newborn (human)
  3. a medicine bottle
  4. a toothbrush
  5. a purse sized container of floss
  6. a rose petal
  7. a rose bud
  8. a straight pin
  9. a thumbtack
  10. a fieldmouse
  11. a mini-cassette tape
  12. a house mouse
  13. a computer mouse
  14. a USB thumb drive
  15. a child's shoe
  16. one flip-flop
  17. an egg still in its shell
  18. a pen
  19. a pencil
  20. a fishing lure
  21. a stick of gum
  22. a flea
  23. a fly
  24. a butterfly
  25. coins (money)
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4mo ago

An electron has a small mass compared to other subatomic particles.

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Q: What has a small mass?
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Which describes how the same force effects a small mass and a large mass?

The same force applied to a small mass will cause a larger acceleration compared to a large mass since acceleration is inversely proportional to mass (F=ma). This means the small mass will experience a greater change in velocity in response to the force compared to the large mass.

What has a small capacity and large mass?

An object with a high density, such as a lead ball, can have a small capacity (volume) but a large mass. This is because density is the ratio of an object's mass to its volume, so objects with high density have a lot of mass packed into a small space.

How can a small object be densest if it doesn't have the most mass?

A small object can be the densest if it has a high concentration of mass within its volume. Density is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume, so even if the object has less mass, if that mass is concentrated in a small volume, it can still have a high density.

Which describes how the same force affects small mass and a large mass?

Gravitationally, the same force does not affect a small mass and a large mass.The small mass is acted upon by a smaller gravitational force, and the large massis acted upon by a larger gravitational force. The result is that the small mass andthe large mass fall with the same acceleration, and meet the ground with the samespeed. During the fall, onlookers typically nudge each other and remark to each other:"My word! The large mass weighs more than the small mass!" They are correct in theirimpression, and the scientific reason behind their perspicacious observation is the factthat the gravitational force acting on the large mass is greater than the gravitationalforce acting on the small mass.

What is an object that has a small capacity and a large mass?

A small object with high density, such as a lead weight or a dense metal ball, would have a small capacity but a large mass due to the arrangement of its particles.

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What does small mass mean because im doing a mousetrap car and it says does your car have a small mass or large mass?

ANSWER: I'm assuming by "mousetrap" car, you mean small car. Probably pretty obvious at that point that your car would have a.....small mass.

What has small capacity but large mass?

Usually small metals (e.g magnesium etc) have small capacit but large mass Hope it helps :)

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What house hold object weighs 1 kilogram?

Note: Kilogram is a unit of mass, not of weight.A small bag of sugar, salt, or flour might have a mass of 1-2 kilogram; a small jar of water will also have a mass of about 1 kilogram.Note: Kilogram is a unit of mass, not of weight.A small bag of sugar, salt, or flour might have a mass of 1-2 kilogram; a small jar of water will also have a mass of about 1 kilogram.Note: Kilogram is a unit of mass, not of weight.A small bag of sugar, salt, or flour might have a mass of 1-2 kilogram; a small jar of water will also have a mass of about 1 kilogram.Note: Kilogram is a unit of mass, not of weight.A small bag of sugar, salt, or flour might have a mass of 1-2 kilogram; a small jar of water will also have a mass of about 1 kilogram.

Which describes how the same force effects a small mass and a large mass?

The same force applied to a small mass will cause a larger acceleration compared to a large mass since acceleration is inversely proportional to mass (F=ma). This means the small mass will experience a greater change in velocity in response to the force compared to the large mass.

Does an electron have a large or small mass?

An electron has a very small mass compared to larger particles like protons and neutrons. Its mass is approximately 1/1836 times the mass of a proton.

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Do stars that are very hot and very dim have a small mass or a small radius?

stars that are dim probably have both a small mass and a larger radius.

What has a small capacity and large mass?

An object with a high density, such as a lead ball, can have a small capacity (volume) but a large mass. This is because density is the ratio of an object's mass to its volume, so objects with high density have a lot of mass packed into a small space.

Describe how the same force affects a small mass and a large mass?

Small force on small mass :When we exhale the air the force of exhaled air is less. Tiny particles of less masses are present in the nearer air and they start moving with large velocity. On Large mass : it's well explained in pascal's law. From that we can apply small force on larger mass .

What is a benchmark for a milligram?

a milligram is the mass a very small insect, the mass of a toothpick, or the mass of a string

What can a milligram measure?

Mass A rather small mass, such as a dose of medicine or the mass of the air in a jar.