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Electric current is produced.
Nothing until it is moved at right angles{90 degrees) to the magnetic field between it's poles. The faster it moves the larger the voltage measured between the ends of the wire.

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Angela Veum

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

When a wire is placed within a magnetic field, a current is induced in the wire due to the interaction between the magnetic field and the moving charges within the wire. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction. The direction and magnitude of the induced current depend on factors such as the strength of the magnetic field, the orientation of the wire, and the speed of movement.

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Q: What happens when wire is placed within a magnetic field?
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What happens when a wire placed within a magnetic field?

Electric current is produced.Nothing until it is moved at right angles{90 degrees) to the magnetic field between it's poles. The faster it moves the larger the voltage measured between the ends of the wire.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is Place with in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass needle is placed within a magnetic field?

A compass needle, as well as everything else on Earth, is ALWAYS within a magnetic field. If the compass needle is free to turn, it will align itself with the magnetic field, and point along the north/south axis of the field. If another magnetic field source appears near the compass ... such as a current-carrying electrical conductor, or a toy magnet in somebody's pocket ... whose field strength is comparable to the Earth's, then the compass will deflect, and realign itself along the north/south axis of the SUM of the fields.

What happens to a current carrying wire in a magnetic field when it is reversed?

When the direction of the current in a wire is reversed in a magnetic field, the direction of the force acting on the wire also reverses. This causes the wire to move in the opposite direction within the magnetic field.

What happens when you place a positive charged object in a magnetic field?

When a positive charged object is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force perpendicular to both the direction of the magnetic field and the object's velocity. The direction of the force is determined by the right-hand rule, and the object will move in a curved path due to this force.

Related questions

What happens When a wire with a current is placed in a magnetic field?

electricity is induced

What happens when an electric field is placed inside a magnetic field?

Electricity is formed (electrons move )

What happens when a wire placed within a magnetic field?

Electric current is produced.Nothing until it is moved at right angles{90 degrees) to the magnetic field between it's poles. The faster it moves the larger the voltage measured between the ends of the wire.

What happens to a magnetic domains of a piece of iron when it is placed in a magnetic field?

They all end up going in different directions so that it is magnetic anymore.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is Place with in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

What is a uniform magnetic field?

A uniform magnetic field is a field where the magnetic field strength and direction are consistent throughout the region. This means that the magnetic field lines are parallel and evenly spaced, creating a uniform magnetic force on objects placed within the field. Uniform magnetic fields are often used in scientific experiments and applications due to their predictable behavior.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed with a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass needle is placed within a magnetic field?

A compass needle, as well as everything else on Earth, is ALWAYS within a magnetic field. If the compass needle is free to turn, it will align itself with the magnetic field, and point along the north/south axis of the field. If another magnetic field source appears near the compass ... such as a current-carrying electrical conductor, or a toy magnet in somebody's pocket ... whose field strength is comparable to the Earth's, then the compass will deflect, and realign itself along the north/south axis of the SUM of the fields.

When does current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a maximum force?

It experiences maximum force when it is placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field.

A loop of wire is placed within a magnetic field If the loop of wire is stationary as is the magnetic field will a current be induced in the wire?

No it will not. In order to get electrical activity you need motion. Either the magnet or the wire must move.

When is the force experienced by current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field strongest?

The force experienced by a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field is strongest when the current and magnetic field are perpendicular to each other, maximizing the force according to the right-hand rule.