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When white light strikes a red object, the object would appear red. The object would have reflected the red light within the white light while all other colours would have been absorbed.

When blue light strikes a red object, it would appear black as there is no red light in blue light as it is a primary colour. As a result, the blue light would be completely absorbed by the red object. So no light would be reflected from the object.

When violet light strikes a red object, it would appear red, as violet is a combination of blue and red light. The blue light would be absorbed while the red light would be reflected.

It is good to learn and revise the light spectrum and primary and secondary light colours.

Primary light colours are: Red, Green and Blue

Secondary light colours are: Yellow, Cyan and Violet

The combinations are:

Red + Green = Yellow

Green + Blue = Cyan

Blue + Red = Violet (or Magenta depending on how you have been taught)

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3mo ago

When white light strikes a red opaque object, the object absorbs all colors except red, reflecting and transmitting only the red wavelengths. For blue light, the object absorbs all colors except blue, reflecting and transmitting only the blue light. Similarly, for red light, the object will reflect this light color. For violet light, the object will absorb most of the light since red objects do not reflect violet light well, resulting in minimal reflection back.

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Q: What happens when white light strikes a red opaque object. What about blue light. red light. violet light?
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What happens to the different colors of light when white light shines on opaque violet object?

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When white light shines on an opaque violet object, the object absorbs most of the colors in the white light spectrum except violet. The violet light is reflected off the object, making it appear violet to our eyes.

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All the light is absorbed, except that portion of the spectrum matching the object's color. That particular bandwidth is reflected. Hence a yellow object appears yellow, and a blue object appears blue. Black objects absorb light without reflecting any, while white objects reflect almost all the visible light which strikes them. The object may then emit the absorbed energy in the infrared spectrum (heat).

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When white light shines on a violet object, the object absorbs most of the wavelengths in the white light spectrum and reflects primarily violet wavelengths. This means that the violet object appears violet because it absorbs other colors and reflects violet.

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