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When waves come into contact with a boat, they can cause the boat to rock back and forth, known as pitching and rolling. Depending on the size and force of the waves, they can also create a risk of capsizing or causing damage to the boat. Skilled boat operators will use techniques to navigate and stabilize the boat in rough waters.

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Q: What happens when waves come into contact with a boat?
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What happens when invisiable waves come in contact with an object?

When invisible waves, such as electromagnetic waves, come in contact with an object, they can be absorbed, reflected, refracted, or transmitted through the object depending on its properties. The interaction between the waves and the object can affect how the waves behave and can impact their intensity, direction, or frequency.

What happens when electromagnetic waves come in contact with an object?

When electromagnetic waves come in contact with an object, several things can happen depending on the properties of the object. The waves can be absorbed, reflected, transmitted, or refracted by the object. The interaction is determined by factors such as the material of the object, the frequency of the waves, and the angle of incidence.

How will heat transfer from the fire to boat?

Heat transfer from the fire to the boat can occur through conduction if the boat is in direct contact with the fire or through radiation if the heat is emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves that reach the boat. Heat may also transfer through convection if the hot air or gases from the fire come into contact with the boat's surface and heat it up.

What type of wave is invisible heat?

Invisible heat is typically carried by electromagnetic waves known as infrared radiation. These waves are not visible to the human eye but can be felt as heat when they come into contact with objects.

What if your body feels warmer when it absorbs what kind of waves?

If your body feels warmer when it absorbs waves, it could be due to absorbing infrared waves. Infrared waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can increase the temperature of objects they come into contact with, leading to a sensation of warmth.

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What happens when invisiable waves come in contact with an object?

When invisible waves, such as electromagnetic waves, come in contact with an object, they can be absorbed, reflected, refracted, or transmitted through the object depending on its properties. The interaction between the waves and the object can affect how the waves behave and can impact their intensity, direction, or frequency.

What happens when electromagnetic waves come in contact with an object?

When electromagnetic waves come in contact with an object, several things can happen depending on the properties of the object. The waves can be absorbed, reflected, transmitted, or refracted by the object. The interaction is determined by factors such as the material of the object, the frequency of the waves, and the angle of incidence.

How will heat transfer from the fire to boat?

Heat transfer from the fire to the boat can occur through conduction if the boat is in direct contact with the fire or through radiation if the heat is emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves that reach the boat. Heat may also transfer through convection if the hot air or gases from the fire come into contact with the boat's surface and heat it up.

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