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When precipitation exceeds evaporation, there will be an accumulation of water in the environment, leading to increased levels of surface water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. This excess water can potentially result in flooding and waterlogging in certain areas.

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Q: What happens when precipitation exceeds evaporation?
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How are evaporation and precipitation related?

Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas, creating water vapor in the atmosphere. This water vapor eventually cools and condenses to form clouds, which can lead to precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. So, evaporation is a key factor in the water cycle that ultimately leads to precipitation.

How is precipitation and evaporation the same?

Precipitation and evaporation are both part of the water cycle. Precipitation refers to water falling from clouds in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail, while evaporation is the process by which water is converted from liquid to vapor and enters the atmosphere. Both processes play a crucial role in regulating the distribution of water on Earth.

If the rate of evaporation from the surface of a liquid exceeds the rate of condensation?

The liquid will eventually evaporate fully and disappear.

What happens when liquid water molecules escape from the surface enter into what?

When liquid water molecules escape from the surface and enter the atmosphere, they can undergo evaporation, where they transition from liquid to gas. This process leads to the water vapor becoming part of the air and eventually contributing to cloud formation and precipitation.

Which best describe how the sun energy impacts the process of precipitation?

The sun's energy drives the water cycle by evaporating water from the Earth's surface, which forms clouds and ultimately leads to precipitation. The energy from the sun provides the heat necessary for evaporation to occur, which is a crucial step in the precipitation process. This cycle of evaporation and condensation is essential for the formation of precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or hail.

Related questions

In order to maintain earths water balance evaporation exceeds precipitation over what?

In order to maintainEarth'swater balance, evaporation exceeds precipitation over oceans.

The meditterranean sea is very salty. Does evaporation exceed precipitation or does preceipitation exceed evaporation over the mediterranean sea?

Evaporation exceeds precipitation.

Climates where evaporation exceeds precipitation are called?

Climates where evaporation exceeds precipitation are called arid or dry climates. These regions typically experience low humidity levels and limited freshwater resources. Examples include deserts and polar regions.

What is the name of the area where the annual rate of evaporation exceeds the rate of precipitation?

it is called desert because there is high level of sunshine and of course evaporation with little rain.

In which biome do the evaporation rates exceed the precipitation rates?

The deserts biome is an example where evaporation rates often exceed precipitation rates. These regions receive limited rainfall, resulting in higher evaporation due to the intense heat and lack of moisture in the air.

Why does the sea level not drop if evaporation exceeds precipitation?

Because this would only occur at a regional scale. Water from elsewhere would move in to replace the miniscule amount that was evaporated. This way, sea level is roughly in balance in terms of evaporation and precipitation.

What are some good desert facts?

Deserts receive less tha 10 inches (250mm) of precipitation per year. Deserts have an evaporation rate that far exceeds the precipitation rate.

Compare the differences in evporation and precipitation over earths oceans and land How are they related?

The difference between evaporation and precipitation is that evaporation occurs at the top while precipitation happens at the bottom of the surface.They are related since they all deal with heating liquids into vapour and released into the atmosphere.

What happens during each of three processes that make up the water cycle?

Condensation --> Precipitation --> Evaporation

Do earths oceans gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together if so how much?

if evaporation is considered part of precipitation it odes because precipitation causes evaporation

Why is the Mojave Desert a desert?

The Mojave receives less than 10 inches of rain on average per year and the evaporation rate exceeds the precipitation rate. Both are descriptions of a desert.

How are evaporation precipitation and transpiration related to the water cycle?

Only evaporation and precipitation are steps in the water cycle.