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When light passes through two prisms, the light is refracted twice - once when entering the first prism and again when exiting the second prism. The second refraction can result in the light changing direction a second time, depending on the orientation and properties of the prisms.

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Q: What happens when light passes through 2 prisms?
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How are prism and refract related?

A prism is a transparent object that can refract light, which means it can bend light as it passes through. Prisms separate white light into its different colors through refraction, creating a rainbow effect. So, prisms and refraction are related in that prisms demonstrate the principle of refraction by bending light.

What would you see if a white light passed through 2 prisms?

If a white light passed through two prisms, it would split into its component colors due to the dispersion property of prisms. You would see a rainbow spectrum of colors created by the white light splitting into its individual wavelengths as it passes through each prism.

What happens when white light passes through a yellow filter?

When white light passes through a yellow filter, only the yellow wavelengths of light are transmitted while all other wavelengths are absorbed. This causes the light that passes through to appear yellow in color.

What objects reract light?

Some objects that can refract light include lenses, prisms, water droplets, and glass. These objects have different refractive properties that cause light to change direction as it passes through them.

How do you get the same ray of light after passing through the prisms?

To achieve the same ray of light after passing through prisms, the prisms must have the same angles and refractive indices. This helps to ensure that the light rays are refracted and dispersed in a consistent manner, allowing them to merge back into a single ray. Additionally, the prisms should be aligned properly to minimize deviations in the path of the light.

Related questions

Why is a rainbow sometimes seen when light passes through raindrops or prisms?

The light is refracted

What happens when light passes through two erect prisms?

When light passes through two erect prisms, the light rays are refracted twice - once when entering the first prism and again when exiting the second prism. This causes the light rays to change direction twice, leading to further dispersion of the different wavelengths.

How are prism and refract related?

A prism is a transparent object that can refract light, which means it can bend light as it passes through. Prisms separate white light into its different colors through refraction, creating a rainbow effect. So, prisms and refraction are related in that prisms demonstrate the principle of refraction by bending light.

How Light passes through water?

It happens by the refraction of light.

What happens when you pass white light through two prisms which are kept erect?

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What happens when light passes through a cylindrical lens?

sh@@ happens

What happens when light passes through lens?

The light refracts or bend .

When two prisms made of same material is placed side by side in same position and light is allowed to pass then what happens?

When white light passes through a prism it spreads to form a rainbow. If that "rainbow" light is then passed through a second prism it cannot recombine to reform white light.NO

What happens when light is passed through two similar prisms placed in inverted position?

It is spread out into a spectrum, then recombined into white light.

What happens to light when it passes through different substances?

it refracts

What happens when light scatters?

It is redirected as it passes through a medium.

What happens to light when it scatters?

It is redirected as it passes through a medium