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When force is applied to a metal, it deforms and changes shape. This demonstrates the property of ductility, which is the ability of a material to undergo plastic deformation without breaking.

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Q: What happens when force is applied to a metal what property does this demonstrate?
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Which property of a body cannot be changed if a force is applied to it?

The mass of a body cannot be changed when a force is applied to it. The force may cause the body to move or accelerate, but the mass remains constant.

What happens when force is applied to a flat surface?

When force is applied to a flat surface, it can result in the surface deforming or breaking depending on the magnitude of the force. The surface may also experience frictional forces depending on the material and the amount of force applied.

An object that deforms when a force is applied to it and returns to its original form when the force is no longer applied is said to be?

An object that behaves in this manner is said to be elastic. It can undergo temporary deformation under an applied force and then return to its original shape when the force is removed.

What happens when a force is applied to an object while the object moves in a direction opposite to the force?

When a force is applied to an object in the opposite direction of its motion, the object will slow down. The force will act as a decelerating force, causing the object to lose speed and eventually come to a stop if the force continues to be applied.

What happens to a spring when someone apply a pulling force?

When a pulling force is applied to a spring, it stretches due to the tension created in the spring's material. The spring elongates in the direction of the applied force until the force is removed. The amount of stretching is proportional to the force applied, as described by Hooke's Law.

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What happens when a force is applied to an object?

The object will not move!!!

What happens to acceleration is force increases?

it increases in direct proportion to the force applied

Which property of a body cannot be changed if a force is applied to it?

The mass of a body cannot be changed when a force is applied to it. The force may cause the body to move or accelerate, but the mass remains constant.

What is a force applied to a confined fluid?

Surface Tension happens

What do we mean by brittleness?

Brittleness means the property of snapping easily when a force is applied.

What happens to a moving object when force is applied?

The object is accelerated in the direction of the net (or resultant) force.

What happens when force is applied to a flat surface?

When force is applied to a flat surface, it can result in the surface deforming or breaking depending on the magnitude of the force. The surface may also experience frictional forces depending on the material and the amount of force applied.

What property means change in shape?

Elasticity is the property that allows a material to change shape when a force is applied and then return to its original shape once the force is removed.

An object that deforms when a force is applied to it and returns to its original form when the force is no longer applied is said to be?

An object that behaves in this manner is said to be elastic. It can undergo temporary deformation under an applied force and then return to its original shape when the force is removed.

What happens when a force is applied to an object while the object moves in a direction opposite to the force?

When a force is applied to an object in the opposite direction of its motion, the object will slow down. The force will act as a decelerating force, causing the object to lose speed and eventually come to a stop if the force continues to be applied.

What happens to a spring when someone apply a pulling force?

When a pulling force is applied to a spring, it stretches due to the tension created in the spring's material. The spring elongates in the direction of the applied force until the force is removed. The amount of stretching is proportional to the force applied, as described by Hooke's Law.

What happens when a downward force is applied to a triangle?

that depends on how it is placed, vertically or diagonally .