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this is called Doppler effect and the velocities add, creating a higher sounding frequency.

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3mo ago

If the sound waves from the car's horn are moving in the same direction as the car, the sound waves will be heard more loudly by the person in front of the car due to constructive interference. This is because the sound waves are adding up in phase, increasing the overall intensity of the sound.

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Q: What happens to the sound waves from a car with the horn honking when the sound waves are moving in the same direction as the car?
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How does moving your head let you tell where a sound is coming from?

Moving your head allows your ears to detect differences in sound arrival time and intensity. These differences help your brain localize the source of the sound by comparing the information received by both ears. By moving your head, you can triangulate the sound's direction based on these auditory cues.

Do sound sound waves travel up or down and back or forth?

Sound waves travel in all directions as they propagate through a medium. They produce compressions and rarefactions, moving back and forth parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What happens to sound waves when the source of a sound is moving toward you?

When the source of a sound is moving toward you, the sound waves emitted by the source are compressed, resulting in a higher frequency of the sound you hear. This phenomenon is known as the Doppler effect and is commonly experienced with sirens from emergency vehicles approaching you.

What happens when the sound source is moving?

When a sound source is moving, it causes a shift in the frequency of the sound waves perceived by an observer. This shift is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the observer, the frequency increases and the pitch sounds higher. If the source is moving away, the frequency decreases and the pitch sounds lower.

Are the waves formed by sound transverse waves?

No, sound waves are longitudinal waves, meaning the particles in the medium vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave is moving. Transverse waves involve particles moving perpendicular to the direction of wave motion.

Related questions

What happens to the sound waves from a moving source such as a car with a horn honking when the sound waves are moving in the same direction as the car?

The wavelength is compressed by the additional velocity of the car, so the frequency heard is higher than that generated in the horn. It's known as the Doppler Effect.

What Happens to the sound waves from a moving source such as a car with its horn honking when the sound waves are moving in the same direction as the car?

The wavelength is compressed by the additional velocity of the car, so the frequency heard is higher than that generated in the horn. It's known as the Doppler Effect.

What happens to sound waves from a moving source such as a car with its horn honking when the sound waves are moving in the same direction as the car?

The wavelength is compressed by the additional velocity of the car, so the frequency heard is higher than that generated in the horn. It's known as the Doppler Effect.

What kind of sound does a geese make?

they make a honk honk type of noise skn they make a honk honk type of noise skn

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Geese make a honking sound

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it sounds like honking!!

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they are exampels

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It's kind of like a honking sound

What brid makes Honk sound?

Geese are the birds that make the honking sound.

What sound do geese make?

Geese "honk."

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a word to describe a sound 9like a honking horn )

What sounds does a goose make?

Geese make a honking sound