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It will be like it was before

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Once a wave has passed through a medium, the matter returns to its original state. The particles in the medium oscillate as the wave passes through, but they go back to their original positions once the wave has passed.

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Q: What happens to the matter through which wave passes after the wave is gone?
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Why ia a silver surface used at the back of the solar panel?

A silver surface is used at the back of a solar panel to reflect sunlight that passes through the photovoltaic cell, allowing it to be absorbed and converted into electricity. This helps improve the efficiency of the solar panel by reducing energy losses.

Are there any man made objects that have gone faster than sound?

Yes, man-made objects like fighter jets, rockets, and bullets have gone faster than the speed of sound. These objects achieve supersonic speeds through powerful engines or propulsion systems.

Why is coal not considered a renewable resource?

Coal is not considered a renewable resource because it takes millions of years to form through the natural process of decay of plant matter. Once it is mined and burned, it cannot be replenished within a human time scale. This makes coal a finite and non-renewable source of energy.

What is the power output of the anti-matter reactor?

The power output of an anti-matter reactor is immense, as it is capable of converting matter and anti-matter into pure energy with high efficiency. Specific power output values would depend on the size and design of the reactor, but it has the potential to generate energy on the order of gigawatts to terawatts.

Can a menopose woman get pregnant?

While it is rare, menopausal women can still get pregnant if they have not gone through menopause yet. It is important for women in their menopausal transition to continue using contraception until they have gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.

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gdygvu yeywgvwyvefvetvetvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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