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If a larger force is exerted on the loaded cart, the cart will accelerate in the direction of the force applied. This acceleration depends on the mass of the cart and the magnitude of the force. If the force is strong enough, it may even cause the cart to move uncontrollably or tip over.

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Q: What happens to the loaded cart if a larger force is exerted on it?
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Is a hydraulic system the force exerted on a small piston is greater than the force exerted on the large piston?

No, in a hydraulic system, the force exerted on the larger piston is greater than the force exerted on the smaller piston. This is because pressure is equal throughout the system due to the incompressibility of the fluid, so the force applied on the smaller piston is transmitted and multiplied to the larger piston.

What happens to pressure as the force on an exerted area increases?

As the force on an exerted area increases, pressure increases proportionally due to the equation Pressure = Force/Area. This means that the pressure will be higher when a greater force is applied over the same area.

In hydraulic system why is the force exerted on a small piston multiplied when it acts on larger piston?

In a hydraulic system, the force exerted on a small piston is multiplied when it acts on a larger piston due to the principle of Pascal's Law. Pascal's Law states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions, leading to a greater force output on the larger piston. This allows for the amplification of force without the need for increased input force.

Because all forces act in pairs what happens when a force is exerted?

When a force is exerted, an equal and opposite force is also applied. This is Newton's third law of motion stating that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

What happens to pressure when force decreases?

If force decreases, pressure decreases as well. Pressure is directly proportional to force, so when force decreases, the pressure exerted by the force also decreases.

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Is a hydraulic system the force exerted on a small piston is greater than the force exerted on the large piston?

No, in a hydraulic system, the force exerted on the larger piston is greater than the force exerted on the smaller piston. This is because pressure is equal throughout the system due to the incompressibility of the fluid, so the force applied on the smaller piston is transmitted and multiplied to the larger piston.

What happens when a force is exerted?

Newton's second law of motion states that force is equal to mass times acceleration, or F = ma. So, if a force is exerted on something that has mass, it will accelerate.

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The object through which the force is exerted must also change.

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The force gets larger.

What happens when an inclined plane is used?

a smaller force is exerted over a longer distance

What happens to pressure as the force on an exerted area increases?

As the force on an exerted area increases, pressure increases proportionally due to the equation Pressure = Force/Area. This means that the pressure will be higher when a greater force is applied over the same area.

In hydraulic system why is the force exerted on a small piston multiplied when it acts on larger piston?

In a hydraulic system, the force exerted on a small piston is multiplied when it acts on a larger piston due to the principle of Pascal's Law. Pascal's Law states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions, leading to a greater force output on the larger piston. This allows for the amplification of force without the need for increased input force.

What happens when force exerted on an object causes the object to move?

The object is moved and energy is transferred.

Because all forces act in pairs what happens when a force is exerted?

When a force is exerted, an equal and opposite force is also applied. This is Newton's third law of motion stating that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

In a class 3 lever is the effort force ever less the force exerted on the load?

A class three lever uses an operating force between the fulcrum and the load. The movement on the load will therefore be larger than the movement of the force. The force applied to the lever will always be less than the force exerted on the load.

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What happens to pressure when force decreases?

If force decreases, pressure decreases as well. Pressure is directly proportional to force, so when force decreases, the pressure exerted by the force also decreases.