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If the time period is increased, the frequency decreases inversely proportionally. This is because frequency is the reciprocal of the time period. So, as the time period increases, the frequency decreases.

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Q: What happens to frequency if time period is increased?
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Can frequency of wave be negative?

No, frequency of a wave cannot be negative. Frequency is defined as the number of complete cycles of a wave that occur in a given time period, and it is always a positive value.

How does period and frequency relate?

Period is the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave, while frequency is the number of cycles per second. The relationship between period and frequency is that they are inversely proportional; as the period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa. Mathematically, they are related by the equation: frequency = 1 / period.

What is the relation between time period and frequency of oscillation?

The time period of oscillation is the time taken to complete one full cycle of oscillation, while frequency is the number of cycles per unit time. They are reciprocals of each other, with frequency being the inverse of the time period (frequency = 1/time period). This means that as the time period decreases, the frequency increases, and vice versa.

As the frequency of a wave goes up what happens to the wavelength?

If you are talking about an electromagnetic wave, energy is proportional to frequency (E=hf, h=Planck's constant). So by increasing frequency, the energy it carries is also increased.

What is the frequency of a phenomenon?

The frequency of a phenomenon refers to how often it occurs within a specific period of time. It is a measure of how frequently an event or observation happens. It can be expressed as a rate, such as events per unit of time.

Related questions

What happens to period when frequency increase?

As frequency increases, the period decreases. This relationship is inverse, meaning that a higher frequency corresponds to a shorter period. Mathematically, the period is the reciprocal of the frequency, so as one increases, the other decreases.

What is the Difference between period and frequency?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.

What is the difference between the period and the frequency of an object?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.

What is the relationship between frequency and period?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.

How is frequency related to a period?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.Frequency and period are mutual reciprocals.

Can frequency of wave be negative?

No, frequency of a wave cannot be negative. Frequency is defined as the number of complete cycles of a wave that occur in a given time period, and it is always a positive value.

How does period and frequency relate?

Period is the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave, while frequency is the number of cycles per second. The relationship between period and frequency is that they are inversely proportional; as the period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa. Mathematically, they are related by the equation: frequency = 1 / period.

As the frequency of a wave goes up what happens to the wavelength?

If you are talking about an electromagnetic wave, energy is proportional to frequency (E=hf, h=Planck's constant). So by increasing frequency, the energy it carries is also increased.

What is the relation between time period and frequency of oscillation?

The time period of oscillation is the time taken to complete one full cycle of oscillation, while frequency is the number of cycles per unit time. They are reciprocals of each other, with frequency being the inverse of the time period (frequency = 1/time period). This means that as the time period decreases, the frequency increases, and vice versa.

What is the frequency of a phenomenon?

The frequency of a phenomenon refers to how often it occurs within a specific period of time. It is a measure of how frequently an event or observation happens. It can be expressed as a rate, such as events per unit of time.

What is relation between prriod and frequency?

The period of a wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle to occur, while the frequency is the number of cycles that occur in one second. The relationship between period and frequency is that they are reciprocals of each other: frequency = 1 / period and period = 1 / frequency. This means that as the period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa.

Frequency is the recipricol of what value?

Frequency is the reciprocal of the period of a wave. Period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of a wave to occur.