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The tissue paper will likely float on the water's surface as long as the needle does not break through the paper. This is due to surface tension, which allows light objects to float on water.

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Q: What happen if the needle place on a small tissue paper and very gently put the paper on the surface of water?
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How can a sewing needle float on the surface of water?

The needle does not break the surface tension (meniscus). Get a small piece of toilet tissue and lay it on a glass of water. lay a needle on the tissue. The tissue will become sodden and sink, leaving the needle floating on the surface tension. Put the smallest drop of washing-up liquid on the water. The surface tension will be destroyed and the needle will sink. Try it.

Why does a needle float in water?

It doesn't actually float, since its density is greater than water. It is kept from sinking by the surface tensionof the water. This phenomenon is created by the formation of polar bonds between the surface water molecules. To make this happen, the needle must be carefully placed on the calm surface of the water, usually held in a container like a glass tumbler (easier to keep the surface calm, than in a wider container like a bowl).If you wish to prove this principle, here is a very successful method:1. Place a piece of tissue, slightly larger than the needle is long, flat on the surface of the water.2. Lay the needle carefully on the tissue.When the tissue becomes saturated and sinks away from the needle, the needle will remain on the surface of the water. If you wish, once the tissue sinks, It can be removed (carefully) from the system with tweezers. Then you can amaze your friends with your imponderable, impossible feat, of floating a needle. This method will work with a paper clip as well. Any metal object, with smooth surfaces and not too heavy, may be used.Tip: shape matters. Common pins have been used, but often they won't work because their heads breach the tension membrane.More Information:Surface tension. The needle is thin and light, so it just lays on the water. Surface tension is what we call a thin flexible membrane, formed by the polar bonding of surface water molecules, to each other. like a water bed for very light objects.

How can you break the attachment of molecules in the surface tension?

You can break the attachment of molecules in surface tension by adding a surfactant or detergent, which disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules. Additionally, agitation or stirring can help break up the surface tension by introducing energy to the system that overcomes the cohesive forces holding the molecules together.

How do they get a tissue sample for a tzanck preparation?

To obtain a tissue sample for a Tzanck preparation, a healthcare provider will typically perform a process called a Tzanck smear. During this procedure, the healthcare provider will gently scrape the base of a skin blister or ulcer to collect a sample of cells for examination under a microscope. This sample is then stained and analyzed to look for specific cells indicative of certain viral infections, such as herpes.

What technique is used to collect a tissue for biopsy of the prostate?

The tissue sample can usually be obtained with the needle technique.

What is the difference between mobilizing tissue and surgically undermining tissue?

Mobilizing tissue involves releasing adhesions and improving tissue flexibility through manual techniques or exercises. Surgically undermining tissue involves separating tissue layers in surgery to create space or facilitate movement. The former is non-invasive and typically done by a therapist, while the latter is a surgical technique performed by a surgeon.

Why the food making tissue is at the top surface of the leaf?

why is the food-making tissue at the leaf surface why

Which lab work is done before a biopsy and what is the benefit of a needle biopsy?

What happens is they have a ultra sound to see where it is exactly and they mark they have a tendency to get more tissue with a needle biopsy they can extract a better piece of tissue sample sometimes they can get the whole tissue sample this way

Can you have a lung needle biopsy with emphysemea?

No. A lung needle biopsy is used to pull a sample of tissue from the lungs for testing. A lung needle biopsy should NOT be done with someone who has Emphysema.

What is a fine needle core biopsy?

it is a procedure where a thicker niddle use to take a core of tissue from organ

What happen when you rub vinyl with tissue paper?

Rubbing vinyl with tissue paper may generate static electricity, potentially causing dust and debris to stick to the vinyl surface. It is not recommended to rub vinyl records with tissue paper as it can lead to scratching or damaging the surface of the record. It is best to use a specialized cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth to clean vinyl records.

What is the medical term meaning biopsy is done with a large gauge needle inserted into the tumor to obtain several long pieces of tissue?

Fine needle aspiration is done with a large-gauge needle.