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434.05nm is associated with a frequency of approximately 691.6 terahertz (THz) when converted from wavelength to frequency using the speed of light equation (c = λν), where c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and ν is the frequency.

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Q: What frequency is associated with 434.05nm?
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Is frequency associated only with sound?

No, sound is a wave, all waves have a frequency. The frequency is how many waves pass by a certain point in 1 second. Sound is a longitudinal wave.

Does all matter have frequency?

Yes, all matter has a characteristic frequency at which it vibrates. This frequency is determined by the energy levels of the particles that make up the matter. In quantum mechanics, this frequency is associated with the particles' wave functions.

What is the variable for wavelength?

Wave length can be altered by changing frequency or Energy associated with it

What does a frequency of 10hz equal?

A frequency of 10 Hz means there are 10 cycles per second. This frequency is relatively low in the spectrum and is often associated with slow oscillations or rhythmic patterns.

How did you use your frequency calculations to determine the pitch?

Frequency calculations involve determining the number of cycles of a wave that occur per unit of time. By using frequency calculations and translating them into musical pitch, we can determine the perceived pitch of a sound wave based on its frequency. In music, higher frequencies are associated with higher pitches, while lower frequencies are associated with lower pitches.

What is frequency of orange Hz?

Orange does not have a specific frequency in hertz as it is a color and not a sound wave. Frequencies in hertz are typically associated with sound or electromagnetic waves, but not colors.

What wave is associated with resonance?

The wave associated with resonance is a standing wave. In resonance, the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the system, causing the amplitude of the oscillations to increase. This can occur in various systems, such as strings, air columns, and electrical circuits.

What is the range of frequency associated with .A) INFRA-SOUND?

The range of frequency associated with infrasound is below the lower limit of human hearing, typically below 20 Hz. These low-frequency sound waves can be generated by natural events like earthquakes or man-made sources like large machinery and can be felt rather than heard.

Which characteristic of sound is associated with frequency?

Frequency is the characteristic of sound that is associated with the pitch or tone of the sound. It refers to the number of oscillations per second of a sound wave and is measured in Hertz (Hz).