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Kinetic and Gravitational energy

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1mo ago

When a walnut falls, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. The potential energy comes from the height of the walnut above the ground, while the kinetic energy is the energy of motion as the walnut falls towards the ground.

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Q: What forms of energy are present when a walnut falls?
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Why the conversion of energy from potential to kinetic energy is not 100 percent as the tennis ball falls?

Some energy is lost as heat or as other forms.

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Mechanical, thermal, eletrical. motion, sound, light, and chemical energy.

When an object falls and touches ground the kinetic energy transforms to which energy?

When an object falls and touches the ground, its kinetic energy is converted into potential energy and other forms of energy, such as sound and heat. The potential energy is stored in the object as it is lifted back up, ready to be converted back to kinetic energy as it falls again.

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Kinetic energy is present in a blowing wind, as it is the energy associated with the motion of air molecules. This kinetic energy can be harnessed and converted into other forms of energy such as electricity through wind turbines.

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When a candle burns, the forms of energy present are thermal energy (heat) released by the flame, light energy emitted as visible light, and chemical energy converted from the wax into heat and light during combustion.

What kind of energy gives off when a kid falls out of a tree?

When a kid falls out of a tree, the energy given off is kinetic energy in the form of motion as the child falls towards the ground. This kinetic energy is then transferred to other forms of energy upon impact, such as sound and potential energy from the child's position above the ground.

What forms of energy are in stretched elastic?

In stretched elastic, the primary forms of energy present are elastic potential energy, which is the energy stored in the elastic material due to its deformation, and kinetic energy, if the elastic material is moving.

What is the present tense of fall?

The present perfect forms are have fallen and has fallen.Examples:The leaves have fallen. (plural subject)The temperature has fallen. (singular subject)

What type of energy conversion takes place in an egg drop?

In an egg drop, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the egg falls through the air. When the egg hits the ground, the kinetic energy is transferred to other forms of energy, such as sound and heat, resulting in the egg breaking.