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Mechanical energy in the form of pressure and vibrations comes into the touch receptors to activate them. The information is then converted into electrical signals that travel to the brain, where they are processed and interpreted.

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Q: What form of energy comes into the touch receptors and what form goes out?
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What form of energy do all receptors output?

The receptors in our nervous system primarily output electrical signals known as action potentials. These signals are generated in response to specific stimuli detected by the receptors, such as touch, light, sound, or chemicals, and are used to transmit information to the brain for further processing.

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Mechanical energy in the form of E= mgh, water falling, goes in and electrical enegy comes out.

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No. Solar energy comes in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

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No, glass is not a form of energy. Glass is a solid material composed of sand that does not possess energy in itself, but it can interact with energy by transmitting, reflecting, or absorbing it depending on its properties.

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One form of energy that comes from chemical bonds is chemical energy. This energy is stored in the bonds of molecules and is released when these bonds are broken during a chemical reaction. It is a common form of energy found in fuels like gasoline, food, and batteries.

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What form of energy comes form inefficiency in energy transfers?

I need more information