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The expanding high-pressure gases from combustion push the piston down the cylinder during the power stroke in an internal combustion engine. This force generated by the burning fuel drives the piston down, converting the pressure and heat energy into mechanical energy to rotate the engine's crankshaft.

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Q: What forces the piston down the cylinder on the power stroke?
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When a piston is forced down the cylinder the power stroke where it applies the force?

The power stroke occurs when fuel ignites and rapidly expands, pushing the piston down the cylinder. This force is transferred to the crankshaft, converting the linear motion of the piston into rotational motion to drive the vehicle.

What is piston effort?

Piston effort refers to the force exerted by a piston in an engine as it moves up and down within a cylinder. It is a measure of the resistance that the piston encounters as it compresses air or fuel mixture during the power stroke and exhaust gases during the exhaust stroke. Proper piston effort is important for achieving optimal engine performance and efficiency.

What happens in the cylinder during each stage of the 4- stroke cycle in an internal combustion engine?

Intake stroke: The intake valve opens, allowing the air-fuel mixture to enter the cylinder as the piston moves downward. Compression stroke: Both intake and exhaust valves are closed as the piston moves upward, compressing the air-fuel mixture. Power stroke: The spark plug ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture, causing a controlled explosion that forces the piston down. Exhaust stroke: The exhaust valve opens, allowing the piston to move upward again and push out the burned gases from the cylinder.

During what stage of engine operation does the piston move upward in the cylinder and force the burned?

During the power stroke stage of engine operation, the piston moves upward in the cylinder to force the burned air-fuel mixture out of the combustion chamber. This upward movement generates mechanical energy that is transferred to the crankshaft to produce the engine's power.

How can you use the word piston in a sentence?

The engine's piston moves up and down within the cylinder to help generate power.

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Why does the burned gasoline do more work on the piston of an automobile engine during the power stroke?

The combustion cylcle (power stroke) forces piston down to create engine power.

How fuel works in cars engine?

All gasoline engines are four-stroke designs. An engine has an intake stroke where the intake valve is open and the piston is moving downward, creating a vacuum that sucks the fuel into the cylinder. The next stroke is the compression stroke. The intake valve closes, and the piston begins to move upward and compresses the fuel in preparation for ignition. The third stroke is the power stroke. The piston is approaches the top of the cylinder in the compression stroke. Just before it gets to top dead center, the spark plug fires and ignites the fuel. The fuel rapidly expands and pushes the piston down with great force. The last stroke is the exhaust stroke. In this stroke, the piston completes the power stroke and begins to rise again. At this point the exhaust valve opens, and the piston forces the exhaust out of the cylinder in preparation for the intake stroke.

When a piston is forced down the cylinder the power stroke where it applies the force?

The power stroke occurs when fuel ignites and rapidly expands, pushing the piston down the cylinder. This force is transferred to the crankshaft, converting the linear motion of the piston into rotational motion to drive the vehicle.

Which stroke forces the piston downward in the four stoke process of an internal combustion engine?

The power stroke. The order is intake, compression, power and exaust. The piston moves down on intake and power but is only forced down on the power stroke

What is the mode of operation of a four stroke petrol engine?

Not sure what you are asking here... But here goes: Stroke 1: Intake stroke. The intake valve is open, and fuel air mixture is sucked into the cylinder as the piston moves down. Stroke 2: The intake valve is closed, and the fuel air mixture is compressed as the piston moves up. Stroke 3: The power stroke. The compressed fuel air mixture is ignited by the spark plug. The resulting explosion forces the piston down, providing power. Stroke 4: The exhaust valve is opened, and the spent fuel air mixture (now exhaust) is pushed out of the cylinder by the rising piston. Repeat indefinitely...

What is piston effort?

Piston effort refers to the force exerted by a piston in an engine as it moves up and down within a cylinder. It is a measure of the resistance that the piston encounters as it compresses air or fuel mixture during the power stroke and exhaust gases during the exhaust stroke. Proper piston effort is important for achieving optimal engine performance and efficiency.

How an internal combustion engines works?

A 4 stroke gasoline internal combustion engine operates on a 4 stroke cycle, hence the name, "4 stroke engine". The first stroke is the intake stroke, the piston moves down the cylinder, which creates a vaccume, which draws in fuel and air from the induction system. The second stroke is the compression stroke. The piston starts at the bottom of the cylinder and begins to move up, compressing the air and fuel mixture. Just before the piston is at the top of the cylinder (top dead center), the spark plug fires, igniting the compressed air and fuel mixture. The resulting explosion causes the 3rd stroke, the power stroke. The force of the explosion pushes the piston back down the cylinder, turning the crankshaft. The 4th and final stroke is the exhaust stroke. After the power stroke, there is exhaust gas left in the cylinder. The piston moves back up as the exhaust valve opens, pushing the gases up the cylinder and out the exhaust. This cycle continues thousands of time per minute as the engine is running. If anyone was wondering, a 14 year old wrote this explanation.

How does an internal combustion engine work?

A 4 stroke gasoline internal combustion engine operates on a 4 stroke cycle, hence the name, "4 stroke engine". The first stroke is the intake stroke, the piston moves down the cylinder, which creates a vaccume, which draws in fuel and air from the induction system. The second stroke is the compression stroke. The piston starts at the bottom of the cylinder and begins to move up, compressing the air and fuel mixture. Just before the piston is at the top of the cylinder (top dead center), the spark plug fires, igniting the compressed air and fuel mixture. The resulting explosion causes the 3rd stroke, the power stroke. The force of the explosion pushes the piston back down the cylinder, turning the crankshaft. The 4th and final stroke is the exhaust stroke. After the power stroke, there is exhaust gas left in the cylinder. The piston moves back up as the exhaust valve opens, pushing the gases up the cylinder and out the exhaust. This cycle continues thousands of time per minute as the engine is running. If anyone was wondering, a 14 year old wrote this explanation.

How does internal combustion engin work?

A 4 stroke gasoline internal combustion engine operates on a 4 stroke cycle, hence the name, "4 stroke engine". The first stroke is the intake stroke, the piston moves down the cylinder, which creates a vaccume, which draws in fuel and air from the induction system. The second stroke is the compression stroke. The piston starts at the bottom of the cylinder and begins to move up, compressing the air and fuel mixture. Just before the piston is at the top of the cylinder (top dead center), the spark plug fires, igniting the compressed air and fuel mixture. The resulting explosion causes the 3rd stroke, the power stroke. The force of the explosion pushes the piston back down the cylinder, turning the crankshaft. The 4th and final stroke is the exhaust stroke. After the power stroke, there is exhaust gas left in the cylinder. The piston moves back up as the exhaust valve opens, pushing the gases up the cylinder and out the exhaust. This cycle continues thousands of time per minute as the engine is running. If anyone was wondering, a 14 year old wrote this explanation.

How many intake events are there in one revolution of a four cylinder engine?

There is only one intake stroke in a four-stroke engine. The other three strokes are compression, power, and exhaust. The intake stroke is a down stroke of the piston in which fuel is drawn into the cylinder while the fuel intake valve is open. The next stroke is the compression stroke in which the valves are closed and the fuel is compressed for combustion. The following stroke is the power stroke - a downward stroke of the piston after fuel combustion that drives the crankshaft. The final stroke is the exhaust stroke, an upward stroke of the piston as the exhaust valve opens to relieve the exhaust fuel fumes.

What do valves?

Valves regulate the flow of fluids in any system. In the human body, specifically, they keep blood from going to the improper places.If you are asking about cylinder head valves there are two types. Intake valves allow fuel and air into the cylinder and exhaust valves allow the smoke to leave the cylinder. The piston moves down sucking in the fuel/air mixture with the intake valve open (intake stroke). The Intake valve closes at the bottom of the piston stroke then the piston moves up compressing the air and fuel (compression stroke). The spark plug ignites the fuel and air when the cylinder is back at the top causing an explosion that forces the piston back down ( power stroke ). The exaust valve then opens and the piston moves back up forcing out the exhaust (exhaust stroke). The exhaust valve closes and the intake valve opens and the cycle starts over.

What do you mean by four stroke four cylinder petrol engine?

The 4 stroke cycle is also referred to as the Otto or Ottoman cycle. The piston will travel 4 complete evolutions including the power stroke. Intake, compression, power, exhaust. 4 cylinder refers to the number of cylinders the engine has.