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A hovercraft flies by creating a cushion of air pressure beneath it, which lifts it off the ground. This air cushion is generated by a fan or propeller, creating enough upward force to counteract the vehicle's weight and allowing it to hover above the surface. Additionally, the forward motion and airflow around the craft create lift, similar to how an airplane wing generates lift.

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Q: What forces are at work to make a hovercraft fly?
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Did the first hovercraft fly successfully?

No it didn't. the inventor failed at first but then he added 2 wings and 4 more motors to make it fly

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What forces make an airplane fly?

Thrust and Lift. Gravity and drag make planes more difficult to fly.

What are the advantages of a hovercraft?

The Advantages are that Hovercraft can fly, or more suitably, hover over water and land, can go over rough terrain and does not pollute as much as cars.

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well it will need to make the forces unequal to take off, but yes it can fly with them all equal.

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to make fly work, you have to get the thunder badge from Lt.Surge (the gym leader in vermilion city) then get fly.

How do hovercrafts glide and fly... what makes them fly if the air is making it hover?

their are several forces at work but the main one is a cushion of high perasure air - the fan blades do not so much act as thrust as increasing the air preasure under the hovercraft - a rubber skirt surrounds the craft to keep the air in - if the hovercraft goes to high the air flows out and air preasure is lost and no more hovering - so hovercraft arent really flying so much as just sitting on a cushion of air - forward propulsion can come from a variety of engines but can be also produced by tilting the craft slightly allowing a bit of high preasure to escape from one side of the skirt

Are hovercrafts true?

yes,you will use the hovercraft to fly through the dirty pond were you get the rope,to get in the space ship

Is weight one of the four forces to make an airplane fly?

Yes, weight opposes lift and is one of the four forces

What is a hovercraft?

A hovercraft is meant not to fly high but to hover just above the surface of water and land. The propeller is on the bottom of the craft. When the propeller turns, it pushes air down, against the surface. A "skirt" around the edge of the hovercraft helps to confine the air, allowing the hovercraft to ride a short distance above the surface. A second source of thrust moves the craft forward. Instead of using the lift of a wing, the hovercraft rides on a cushion of air.

What are the four forces that are needed to make an aircraft fly?

Lift, Drag, Thrust, and Weight. (Not counting Money)